Nobody likes a sucker, especially the kind that fall for fruit tarts like you. I knew there was trouble. I could smell it on the hot evening breeze. Fortunately for me, trouble is my favorite thing… Because I’m Joe Milkshake. I kicked down the door with one swift, decisive motion.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


Collect this article as NFT, wtf??? Sorry, I am not sure I can trust that site on anything now.

Honestly, I don’t even think it is a fair question. What about asking “when they reach enshittification” gives any options on the answer? They become shitty, like everything else.

They don’t have shareholders to please and don’t seem to be hungry for money right now.

Once that changes, sure, they’ll go downwards.

Word of advice for you, if you have this attitude towards everything you won’t enjoy anything in life anymore.

and nobody goes into science to get rich.

I mean, I get the idea but Proton isn’t science so one can turn the argument around that the oh so poor scientists started Proton to finally make some money. Obviously not true, but I’d leave that sentiment out of future statements. I do hope though that Proton indeed never sells out, we’ll see if it holds true.

Thats great and commendable. But the fact is the schools do not have that running, else they would not need the Chromebooks in the first place, would they? They still have to get this started which means employing and paying someone to do this, having budget for paying the servers and whatnot. Seeing how efficient governmental work is, it won’t be as easy as borrowing some server capacity from a different government agency plus one of their IT guys for a short while.

I applaud your optimism that there are enough people employed in the school IT to do that properly.

Don’t get me wrong, you are absolutely right with those statements, but the schools used Chromebooks for a reason I would think, the same reason that if they had not used Chromebooks it would be some Windows installation.

It is what people know, it is “easy” to work with and so on. Those are obviously not great reasons and not 100% true, but that is what counts for those schools.

I am very curious what they are going to replace this with and I am unfortunately 100% sure it is going to be Windows and the Onedrive/Outlook ecosystem.

Exactly that. I don’t use that service but the past 7 years could have seen dozens of other events like this with less harmless outcome, and its clear they would not report these either.

I mean, agreed, but Chromium and Chrome are different. Just in case you thought they are the same, wasn’t exactly clear to me. But I also might remember wrong, in my memory Chromium is the base for Chrome and has a lot less Google stuff baked in.

One thing I agree is that address lookup is terrible. There are times where I cannot find a place on Osmand that I check in google maps where it is, then go Osmand and move the view to the same location myself. Not practical.

But: routing to wrong location. Almost never, for me it works perfectly. A few versions ago the announcement to take a turn would come a bit late, might have been my phone, no idea. Works fine now. The only problem are road works in the city, Osm is not very current and it might route you wrong then, yeah.

Heh, weird. Thats some solid data you are bringing forward.