Introducing Proton CAPTCHA | Proton
We developed our own CAPTCHA service to ensure it is secure, respects privacy, and optimized to be usable by everyone. Find out how it works.

At Proton, we’re always working on new and innovative ways to protect the privacy and data of the Proton community.

Yeah, I guess that’s nice. I do like Proton.

I’d love for Proton to focus on completing some current services and make them actually usable though.


What basic things ?

Threaded conversations on mobile. Dedicated contacts management app that acts as your default contact app on mobile.

Fo christ sake, I can’t even edit a calendar event on mobile if another participant is added to it.

There are a million things to polish.

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Empowering you to choose a better internet where privacy is the default. Protect yourself online with Proton Mail, Proton VPN, Proton Calendar, Proton Drive. Proton Pass and SimpleLogin.

Proton Mail is the world’s largest secure email provider. Swiss, end-to-end encrypted, private, and free.

Proton VPN is the world’s only open-source, publicly audited, unlimited and free VPN. Swiss-based, no-ads, and no-logs.

Proton Calendar is the world’s first end-to-end encrypted calendar that allows you to keep your life private.

Proton Drive is a free end-to-end encrypted cloud storage that allows you to securely backup and share your files. It’s open source, publicly audited, and Swiss-based.

Proton Pass Proton Pass is a free and open-source password manager which brings a higher level of security with rigorous end-to-end encryption of all data (including usernames, URLs, notes, and more) and email alias support.

SimpleLogin lets you send and receive emails anonymously via easily-generated unique email aliases.

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