Pass - Proton team picked up light theme recently so I’m guessing it will available in a year or so :)

Drive - had no described issues. I can search photos using its names. However, photos are not searchable through the web app.

VPN - true, dark mode only which sucks but honestly, I open it only where there’s an issue with the VPN which is rare nowadays.

What I can say it that Proton products are for somehow “aware” users, which are not discourage by occasional issues. I would say it’s a late beta state of things. I’ve been a happy Proton customer for quite few years and cannot complain about it. The best thing is that when I had an issue, I’ve raised a support ticket and within a day or two it got fixed. Or if it was an user(aka me) issue, it got explained with as much details as I needed.


I’m a visionary user of 5 years and am all in on proton. Waiting patiently to replace Dropbox with Drive. But the implementation of drive photos phone sync makes no sense to me. It syncs photos from the phone to drive, yes, but on a PC you can only access them via the web interface, not Windows explorer. So you can’t organize them in any way and have them accessible as regular files.

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Proton Calendar is the world’s first end-to-end encrypted calendar that allows you to keep your life private.

Proton Drive is a free end-to-end encrypted cloud storage that allows you to securely backup and share your files. It’s open source, publicly audited, and Swiss-based.

Proton Pass Proton Pass is a free and open-source password manager which brings a higher level of security with rigorous end-to-end encryption of all data (including usernames, URLs, notes, and more) and email alias support.

SimpleLogin lets you send and receive emails anonymously via easily-generated unique email aliases.

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