• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 29, 2023


Flatpak is not the answer here. For example, flatpak version of codium doesn’t recognise terminal settings out of the box. Since such trivial thing is a problem, image how difficult it would be to use it with various file systems, sync options, etc.

Nice catch! I just checked the blog post about WireGuard on Linux and found this

Yes. WireGuard is fully integrated into our apps … This includes … kill switch, permanent kill switch (Windows) …

It looks like kill switch doesn’t work with WireGuard on Linux or has a UI glitch.

Proton recently released WireGuard support on Linux. While I really like it there's a small UI issue with the wifi icon. When connected to VPN it looks like unknown network(?). I have confirmed the issue on two laptops. Both running Fedora 40, KDE spin.

Amazing thing, unfortunately I won’t be able to use it. I’m on ultimate plan which already costs quite a while and if scribe is going to be a paid add-on I will stick to local ollama models. Not the most convenient thing but it works.

Pass - Proton team picked up light theme recently so I’m guessing it will available in a year or so :)

Drive - had no described issues. I can search photos using its names. However, photos are not searchable through the web app.

VPN - true, dark mode only which sucks but honestly, I open it only where there’s an issue with the VPN which is rare nowadays.

What I can say it that Proton products are for somehow “aware” users, which are not discourage by occasional issues. I would say it’s a late beta state of things. I’ve been a happy Proton customer for quite few years and cannot complain about it. The best thing is that when I had an issue, I’ve raised a support ticket and within a day or two it got fixed. Or if it was an user(aka me) issue, it got explained with as much details as I needed.

I would be happy to see privacy respecting AI assistant in Proton products, especially Proton Mail. English is not my native language and every now and then I need to use 3rd party services to compose a professional sounding email. Having this built into Proton Mail would have made my life easier. Also, having a feature that detects and labels faces and features in the pictures stored in a Proton Drive would be an amazing addition.

Ollama seems pretty good. I’ve been playing with it recently and when combined with openwebui, it makes pretty nice local chatgpt. But I agree, there are more pressing issues I would like to see fixed/implemented.

ollama + openwebui. Selfhosted (hasn’t check if it tries to contact mothership yet) and pretty good with the answers, especially when ran on GPU.

There was a question about AI and privacy. Don’t remember exactly what it was but it was something like “What do you care the most about integrating AI into products” and most of the answers were about the privacy.

Is Proton working on AI assistant?
Earlier today I received an email from Proton with an annual survey. Among standard questions there was a significant amount of AI related questions, e.g. mail assistant. Does it mean Proton is looking into AI?

I’m using Wayland (Fedora 40 KDE). I will have to look for a Wayland way of doing this.

How to autostart native Proton Mail app minimized on Linux?
I have setup Proton Mail app to autostart when I log in. It works fine but I want the app to start minimized. Is there an option I can pass to the proton-mail command to start it minimized?

Couple questions about Proton Pass settings
I just stared using Proton Pass, moved from Bitwarden. I have few simple questions about Proton Pass configuration. 1. How can I switch to light theme on the website and in the Firefox addon? 2. How can I get rid of the available passwords counter on Firefox addon?

Does it mean I will be able to login to Standard Notes using Proton account the same way as I do with SimpleLogin?

I have had issues with VPN. Every now and then it broke due to update in some dependency. I got tired of that crap and switched to openvpn and proton config files.

Drive works only via browser.