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Joined 3M ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2024


Your daughter’s Google account can be closed without appeal. All the memories gone. This less likely to happen using Proton or Tuta.

Every scam ends up on the news. I doubt if we can warn a wider audience than that.

This is the basic filter. No idea about sieve filters.

Using a browser

Left side scroll down to “labels” and hit the cog.

Again on the left hit “filters”.

Add filter, name the filter, hit next.

You can select subject, sender and 2 other options, add something to the box (perhaps the email you found in the header), hit next,

Now, decide where you want the email to go.

Sure. From my bank, credit card and Mr. Lube (auto service shop). I haven’t noticed anything that indicated my data ended up in a breach. Just a few companies that abused my trust and sent me spam.

It’s called astigmatism.

Thanks. I’ve contacted support about these issues and I’ve been told they added my specific issues to the list of upgrades. Perhaps Reddit is the better place with one issue per post and see how other users react. If enough people agree with the app shortcomings maybe Proton will do something.

It is called Collider because they are working in the dark and bump into things and each other? /s

I get adding a dark theme but why go though the trouble of removing the white theme?

From what I can see the only thing Proton can do is email. Pass is missing custom fields. Drive can’t upload a folder. I haven’t used their VPN and after fighting with Pass and Drive I’m not sure I want to try that.

Easy to take a phone to a used car lot and enter a few vins

There are basically two classes of cars.

A “hard drive on wheels” which records events encase of an accident - a black box.

The other is a “smartphone on wheels”. These are the cars that have an eSim with a full-time internet connection.

Airplane mode - callers can leave a message. VoIP - it’s connected via wifi or mobile data. I’m in Canada but the three times I checked where my IP says I am, it was in UK or NL. Of course there are alternative OSs for androids.