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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


Yeah the fact that OP calls systemd “new” or even knows what systemd is makes me doubt the authenticity of the original post (or more likely I just misinterpreted the top post).

I read it as an excited new Linux user who “Doesn’t know how to use Debian” and is enthusiastic about MX Linux. But there is no way in hell someone who doesn’t know how to use Debian would have a preference for alternative unit systems and definitely wouldn’t be calling systemd new

I think Signal won’t leave unless they have to (have to meaning if the only alternative to leaving is to undermine user privacy/security which they will not do)

And if Signal has no other alternative than I can’t see how every other e2ee messenger wouldn’t also face the same difficult choice.

Edit: also what does exiting the EU actually mean? Like what would prevent you from just continuing to use the app?

Debian is far from difficult but it is certainly not as easy and beginner friendly to install as Ubuntu, Fedora, or Mint or any other mainstream distro (unless I’m using the wrong iso or something). Debian is a great intermediate distro, but I can’t feel comfortable recommending it to newbies until there is a proper beginner friendly guided install process.

I understand and respect the choice of some distros to not go the guided installer route and go with approaches that are more traditional, flexible, and better suited for more advanced users. And I don’t want to see these options go away. But I don’t recommend these distros to beginners unless they express interest in learning/DIY

If it works for you go for it. I don’t hear much about it, and haven’t encountered anyone using it. I know it is one of few Debian based distros that is based on Debian itself and not Ubuntu, that is about all I know about it.

What attracts you to it? What are its selling points and what makes it different from Debian? Do you know anything about the developers.

You can just disable it in settings, fairly easily. This is preferable to searching for an obscure fork of brave (for me personally).

If you use Newpipe (a YouTube 3rd party app for android) you can use it to interface with peer tube as well in a way that is somewhat* seamless.

Most of the people I follow are on YouTube, a few cross post to peer tube as well. Having one app that integrates both lets me use peertube where I can and YouTube the other 90% of the time