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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


Specific blocklists are designed to block fingerprinting scripts. This can help, but it is better when done by the browser.

Ublock doesn’t stop (all/most) fingerprinting. A hosted frontend or instance can help protect against this vector of attack.

Test them on known good articles, like those before 2019, and calculate the rate of false positives.

Two assumptions are made by a typical user: discord is somewhat trustworthy, the data is only controlled by discord. These are both incorrect but it is understandable why they make such an assumption about a large platform like discord. Without the knowledge of how things are scrapped, one might not think it is even possible.

It is still better than having to go to Googles ad-ridden tracker-filled website. Also, in the settings you can select an option to proxy videos.

QUIK is a fork of QKSMS but updated. Partison SMS is another fork

Aves Libre should be used from F-droid, since the Aves package has non-free components.

I think this meets your requirements: https://www.f-droid.org/packages/com.best.deskclock/

I can have a 15 min timer going at the same time as a 37 min one, and have them saved on creation to a list. Best clock app ive found that is feature rich and FOSS

Cromite is an up to date bromite fork. Has good privacy and security hardening and the ability to import blocklists and userscripts. Using obtanium, you can get it directly from github

Mullvad hands down. No log policy. For ad blocking, you can use their various domains for different levels of blocking.

An in-browser content blocker is better at blocking than domain-based blocking techniques, but both are good.

+1 for this app. Functions like stock clock with the needed permissions.

Shouldnt be able to brick because it uses ADB debugging. Protected system files still can’t be altered, therefore factory reset would fix and problem with system instability.

Not even to make them happy, its a survival technique.

While i agree in the idea of destigmatizing sex, consent (or lack there of) is a key part in why this is so traumatic, without even considering the negative and wrongfully directed anger often targeted at the victim by their community.

I can ruin your reputation or be used in conjuction with other social engineering techniques to eicit fear. It is also very intimate and personal, and shows a private side of your person that may not be intended for others. Examples of threats could be sending them to in-laws, emoyeers, your whole office, the school were your kids attend. Even without any really intention of distributing it, the threat is enough.

Yea I get it. I have to use ungoogled instead

Iirc cromite supports Android and windows ATM. Check the repo here: https://github.com/uazo/cromite

Updating using obtanium works good.

/e/os is often multiple versions behind for their forked apps, including vulnerabilities. Not a good choice from what ive seen. A dev for divestos cataloged the problems iirc

It depends on what browser and what extensions. Previously addon could be fingerprinted by detecting what web resourves they used (i think just chromium). On firefox extensions can get detected by sensing certain telltale changes they provide. eg. Inserting js in dom or blocking of ad/tracking domains. Even if the extension itself isnt identified, unique settings and multiple content blockers will make kinds of fingerprinting possible.

Either way, shelter or insular are great for this situation. I like shelter for its auto-freeze function.

Maybe you could mock location, but i don’t really know how much that provides. Through a vpn or location backend.

What about shelter apk + auto freeze setting. Sufficient?

Mullcad? I assume you intended mullvad.

Mull, the browser OP is refering to is prob Mull from DivestOS’ devs, for the Android platform.

I get what you mean but I have no fix. Is it a small bar the by where the notifications drop menu is?

You can setup bitwarden to auto fill by allowing it to use the android accessability option. Makes frequent sign ins easier. Had to sign into a bunch of apps after a factory reset and it was a breezy.

Yep, seems like it acts like another device. Different user. Would love to know if there is a solution aside from another vpn instance inside the work profile.

Magic earth is closed source but good privacy-wise. Come preinstalled as part of /e/os for android.