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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 18, 2023


This is the most dystopian shit I’ve heard recently — capitalists directly colluding as a functional monopoly to suppress your wages for your entire life.

Definitely. The people in that clip had no idea millions of people would see that video. Apart from funniest home video shows, there was no concept of home movies going viral.

Nowadays anyone filming that shit is an in-genuine influencer and it’ll be uploaded to ((mass surveillance tech company)) if it’s not live-streamed.

It’s in the article ffs. The recovery email was managed by Apple, so they made a request to Apple and obtained the users real identitiy. Once they arrest the user they can gain access to all the users accounts — unless the user had specifically guarded themselves against that possibility.

There is zero doubt in my mind that Google VPN is a honey pot for ad mining.

You’d have to be a complete fucking moron to get your VPN from any surveillance capitalism corporation.

This application IS the dystopian decision making in action. What’s done with this info won’t be any better.

Why for car keys? Are many thefts done through wireless key cloning?

We need to stop normalizing the idea that you can go about your day carrying some big tech tracking device on your person and maintain privacy!

If you’re protesting, you should be bringing no phone > or a dumb phone > or a completely clean install.

Regardless of which option you choose, if you’re carrying any phone to a protest you should be carrying a faraday bag. They cost like $5 people! If you can afford a phone, you can afford a faraday bag.

This is why I use passphrases instead of password. Not worth worrying about phonetic ease though, as I’ve never had to use them since using a password manager. The key is to always set/update passwords by copying FROM the password manager… Same reason you should restore a cryptocurrency wallet from the seed immediately after creation — to ensure your backup works and the info has been stored accurately.

This is why I’ve generated random passphrases for every security question I’ve answered in the last decade, stored alongside 2FA data (not in my password manager).

The best part is you usually can’t use special chars in security question fields, so I just max out the field length. This makes them functionally the same, and as secure, as any recovery code.

Ideally every service would be both a standalone app, as well as a service within an “ultimate suite” app, which is just a wrapper that contains all of the separate apps for ultimate users, plus a dashboard / service switcher.

I’d be happy just to create and edit txt docs 😔.

The ridiculous part is, from what I’ve heard, enabling a plain txt editor on any OS/platform is a few lines of code (everything has a native plaintext editor). I can understand a delay with markdown and other formats, but come on… We’re talking about the most rudimentary file format in existence.

Shit site that only exists to market Theema.

Questions are dumb. Bailed after a few.

“Software recommendations” suggests their own product over signal. Surprise!

Recommends Brave. Doesn’t even list Firefox.

Closed. Downvoted. This site and Theema should be avoided.

People do not understand that a system that can identify 1 in a million, will have on average 999+ FALSE positives for every TRUE positive per billion people.

Looks like they’re just spamming at the domain owner. If they’re coming from the same sender, block the sender, otherwise you could try and use auto-create and designate an abnormal string like .*zdz.* — so that every alias that includes the string “zdz” somewhere will work.

Be sure to test it out at the bottom of the rule page.

Auto-create is just a regex-rule-defined catch-all. I don’t know how SL handles it when there is no defined match (could reject them), but the only way you could use it to combat spam is if the spam was following a specific structure, or you were happy to pre-define unique strings where everything that matches (or not) goes into the abyss (or is auto-trashed).

If they don’t follow some repeated structure then no. You can provide a list of anonymised aliases and we’ll see…

There shouldn’t be any restrictions per anything. Check if you have version control enabled. Each version uses space so even if you only have one 50GB file, 11 versions would max out your allowance.

Rclone published a beta integration reimplementing proton’s content code


Oh I know. I had to do this myself and didn’t complain cause I’m not a raging psychopath.

I’m just pointing out that the company wouldn’t ask for your permission if it weren’t legally required to do so.

They’re only asking because it’s an EU legal requirement; not out of some sense of ethics or morality.

Many countries can and do image phones at the border. Better to bring a spare phone whenever you go through any customs.