removed by mod

Removed as it is wrong. You can see the statement here:

Very disappointing. Been a paid Proton user for over 5 years and now looking to migrate. The supposed party of the “little guys” also nominated an FCC chairman who gutted net neutrality and whose court appointed judges and FCC chairs blocked the Biden admin’s attempts to reinstate it, but yeah both sides are the same. Say nothing of the other egregious policies that clearly benefit the wealthy at the expense of the average citizen.

Proton is supposedly neutral, yet blatantly praises the party in power while denigrating the other. Privacy is a political issue and the party you’re aligning with has a track record of eroding freedoms so even the non-apology doesn’t square.

So disappointing that idiots like OP make the left look so unhinged.

This is why we lose elections, folks.

Care to explain ?

What do you mean? What′s wrong with op′s post?

This is in no way “full MAGA”.

When challenged on that, OP has doubled-down and made things up in the comments.

Cancelled my yearly subscription. Mozilla, for all its faults, is at least doing things for a better and more open internet that provides a semblance of privacy. Most importantly they are smart enough to not bootlick in public.

Gonna migrate my passwords to Mozilla pass manager and move my vpn to something like Mozilla vpn or mullvad or something.

Why not just use bitwarden? Then when Firefox finally goes under you’re not stuck transferring again.

True I think bitwarden is the way to go. My bazzite os has it pre installed

Toeing the party li(n)e.

When people “turn” conservative the things they say never make sense. It’s like they’ve been slowly turning into a subhuman and something happened to exist right when their mind reached out for an explanation.

I’m a huge fucking racist piece of shit… because David Lynch died! LOOK AT ME!


okay cool beans, time to cancel my protonvpn subscription 💀

Lord Wiggle

Official statement from Proton, after I filed a complaint:

Hello,   Thank you for contacting us.   We appreciate you reaching out, please be informed that we have shared a response to the community feedback which can be found here:   We hope you find this information helpful. Should you have any further issues, questions or perhaps a concern that you’d like us to address, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Kind regards,

Ethan Customer Support Proton Mail

My response:


Thank you for your response. I wish this would clarify everything, however, the comments he made on Reddit were done with the official Proton admin account, therefore making his personal comments an official Proton statement. Next to the fact that he posted his personal believes as an official Proton statement, the claims he made are factual untrue, making Proton spread fake news (as noted in the comments under Yen his statement). If it indeed it is just his personal opinion, he should have posted everything from his personal account only.

I have my personal opinion which I don’t mind sharing with others, but I won’t use a company account to make these claims as that could get me fired.

Andy Yen didn’t make Proton a part of his opinion by just sharing it, but by sharing it as Proton. I believe Proton should take action if Proton doesn’t want to be affiliated with Yen his personal opinions and with the fake news he spreads.

I would like to know what Proton will do about this incident and how Proton will ensure this doesn’t happen again in the future as incidents like these make Proton look unprofessional and breaks trust with its customer base, one which holds privacy and security high. When the CEO is so easy to manipulate by populists and fake news from another country and makes this official Proton statements, how can the company ensure what it stands for.

Kind regards,


Nicely written, please keep us posted!

Nicely done, and it will be interesting to see if you get another reply.

Lord Wiggle

Their response:

Hello,   Thank you for reaching back.   We appreciate your concern regarding our mission and its possible affiliations. As mentioned in the link provided, the opinions of Andy Yen were his own, which is why these comments were either removed, or clarified to be his own views.   It’s important to us that we clarify our position and reinforce our unwavering mission: empowering individuals with tools to protect their privacy, secure their communications, and promote digital freedom.    We genuinely appreciate hearing from our community and value the dialogue that allows us to grow and strengthen our commitment to serving you. We understand that public discussions involving political figures or nominations can evoke strong reactions.    We hope you find this information helpful. Should you have any further issues, questions or perhaps a concern that you’d like us to address, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Kind regards,

Ethan Customer Support Proton Mail

Kind of disappointing imo. Why are his comments still online, posted with an official Proton account.

Lord Wiggle

My reply (including 2 screenshots of posts on Lemmy with the amount of upvotes and replies)


Thank you for you for your reply. Sorry for being so bold, but he posted his personal opinions from an official Proton account on reddit and these comments are still online. He later claimed these opinions are personal, however, left them under a Proton account online.

As you can see in the screenshots I added as attachment, people are outraged and lost trust in Proton, including me. Please note the user base of Lemmy is rather small. The Proton sub contain 5.5k users and a total of 417 posts, making the percentage of people outraged rather significant.

So far we haven’t seen any action from Proton to fix this, only a comment from Yen it was just his personal opinion.

When Proton it’s stance stays passive and these trust issues aren’t fixed, people will leave for a more trustworthy alternative.

I’m a paying customer since 2019 and am highly disappointed in how this is handled. I expected better from Proton, especially after their claim to strive to be better and maintain it’s goal by becoming a foundation. For a company who wants to ensure it’s goal for the future, you’re doing a lousy job and you’re having the wrong CEO.

Kind regards,


Their response:


Thank you for following-up.

We understand you are concerned about the fact that he posted his personal opinions from an official Proton account. However, the statement in question was put out by mistake due to an internal miscommunication, and has since been retracted.

The concentration of power and influence among a small group of technology industry leaders is a significant concern. This is the reason why Proton is not controlled by any individual, including Andy Yen, but by the non-profit Proton Foundation, which has neutrality in its governing principles. As a result, the statement was retracted as soon as leadership got information of it.

We sincerely apologize once again for any concern this situation may have caused and thank you for bringing it to our attention.

Please feel free to contact us at any time if you need any assistance or if you have any questions. Kind regards,

Ethan Customer Support Proton Mail

They gave a more nuanced answer afterwards

The nuance was “don’t worry I’m not conservative about everything, I’m just completely delusional about Trump because last time big tech wasn’t playing nice with him so he threw a temper tantrum against big tech, which means he is permanently and forever against big tech regardless of who is going to the inauguration.”

But the thing that really pissed me off in that thread was the dumbasses saying “it’s ok for the leader of proton to be a deranged lunatic, the real way he crossed the line was posting under two accounts.” Fuck. that.

Welp, if you ever wanted any confirmation whether Proton was really psyops …

deleted by creator

Why are there so many conspiracy theories in this thread? Why don’t y’all take this with even just a tiny little bit of nuance?

There have always been conspiracy theories regarding Proton, but the stuff in this thread is just insane.

No, he didn’t go “full MAGA”. Do you even know what “full MAGA” looks like? He used the official Proton Mastodon account to participate in the discussion (which he definitely shouldn’t have done), because he doesn’t have his own account. Yes, that’s definitely the wrong thing to do, but it’s not “the whole company supporting Trump”, it’s just a CEO who used his company’s account to spread some bullshit.

Obviously Andy Yen needs to immediately step down as CEO, something that might realistically happen if the community outrage is big enough, since Proton’s source of revenue are subscriptions sold directly to its users. Spreading conspiracy theories definitely won’t achieve this goal though.


Actually, I always had the notion that proton was focused on security until this bit of news. This isn’t some conspiracy, I stay away from any social network or email service whose CEOs begin sucking up to Donald Trump because it’s a dead giveaway of how the leadership of those services are willing to discard ethics and morality for profits and preferential treatment. With services like Proton, this would most easily be done by making concessions to intelligence agencies. A CEO isn’t just “one bad apple”.

With services like Proton, this would most easily be done by making concessions to intelligence agencies.

I don’t think that this would make sense for them. They would only get some short-term advantages, while putting their entire business at risk. Proton was founded right after the Snowden leaks. Their core idea is that user data needs to be protected from intelligence agencies, and I don’t think that one CEO will just completely change this because of one presidential election.

A CEO isn’t just “one bad apple”.

I think you underestimate how many people are involved in companies the size of Proton. There’s a whole board of directors that at any point can decide to get rid of the CEO.

I don’t want to give any money to Trump supporters either, but I think many people are just being overly dramatic. I think this comment sums his political views up pretty well:

Their business isn’t put at risk, we are long past the time when there were Edward Snowdens. Any intelligence agency involvement would be highly localized, highly specialized, and highly classified. You’d have more of a chance of a CEO of such a service outing themselves by sucking up to Donald Trump than getting ratted out. There are plenty of services that at one point or another did price themselves as being the privacy option that were later exposed, usually because they came from more well known brands that just happened to run into the situations that would expose them due to market presence.

A CEO is a good indication of the internal company culture at the top. He may be as much of a libertarian as Elon Musk is a “free speech absolutist”, I’m not going to assume the best case scenario because I am not invested in proton and don’t have an innate sunk cost fallacy. I agree with that comment, “it seems like he might just be bootlicking whoever is in power as appeasement”.

You wouldn’t know a psyop if it handed you a badge and gave you posting quotas

I bet you go to sleep with it every night.

So is this an intentional or unintentional get off of proton message? Maybe it’s a subtle "we are compromised but warrant Canaries don’t work message? Lol…

No, the privacy community is half left wing and half right wing. If anything this will increase their numbers since right wingers always play team sports.

“Blink twice and post delirious misinformation if you’re being held hostage.”

That’s not what that word means

Semantic drifts can occur over time whether we like it or not; that word has now been used to refer to platform decay in a colloquial sense. To insist that a word must be tied to a particular definition or meaning when such a drift has de facto occured in a broader and significant degree is the textbook definition of etymological fallacy.

The other day they’ve been exposed for backpedalling on their promises to spare inactive accounts that were created before 2024 until next year from the inactive accounts deletion policy.

Honestly, where’s the issue with that? Why should they continue to host some 10 year old account, when they only lose money by doing so. Proton is not Google, they don’t earn any money from users on the free plan, because they don’t scan your emails and sell your data. If you want to be in control, use your own domain (which Proton as well as other services like Tuta support btw) and store your emails offline (e.g. in Thunderbird).

A lot of people have asked in the support forums to tone down or moderate their policy to only clearing the contents of inactive email accounts instead of accounts themselves, because access to email accounts are seen more like an utility these days with so many online services using emails for multi-factor authentication and verification.

There are a lot of factors which will cause people to be involuntarily absent from their accounts, such as medical incapacity, prison (whether rightfully or not, since there are many wrongful conviction cases worldwide), internet blackouts, and within the context of East Asia, being trapped in scam compounds for an extended time.

I support only the deletion of inactive accounts if they were abandoned immediately after creation and whose main motive is to squat usernames.

_cryptagion [he/him]

This isn’t going “full MAGA”. This isn’t even going half MAGA. Shit, this isn’t even going a little MAGA. He’s very clearly saying he approves of the pick.

What is your dividing line for maga? Does he need to shoot a dog? Explicitly say “fuck brown people”?

The dude has a delusional positive view of trump that is at odds with all objective factual measures of the public information. What else is maga if not that?

_cryptagion [he/him]

If things are so black and white, why the fuck didn’t you people bother showing up to vote? Don’t think we’ve forgotten it was democrats who let the entire fucking nation down and got him elected in the first place.

Who is you people?

Also feels like your argument took a big turn, so im assuming you’re a troll.

Edit: I just realized you’re a cryptobro. So not a troll, just delusional.

He was pro-Trump in 2016.

This is more of a victory speech.

So that’s 2 of you in here saying that with no source…

He was pro-Trump in 2016.


And that’s that… I was building up momentum at home to just move to proton mail. Now? Now I got no choice but to figure out another way to self host my own email somehow. That’s an f-ing PITA.


Or email in a box


Going to put out there as an alternative, if people are looking for one. I don’t love their UI/UX, but it gets the job done and seems to be security and privacy focused. The clients are open source as well.

Okay… Reading…

_cryptagion [he/him]

Self hosting email is very easy, but one thing you have to know is that you can’t proxy your email server through CloudFlare, so if that’s a problem for you, you’re gonna have to figure out some other service.


Self hosting email is very easy

Is it? Running a mail server is easy, sure, but is actually ensuring that everyone you’re trying to send email to will actually receive it, rather than being spam-filtered?

Self hosting email is very easy

Setting up self-hosted email is very easy.

Maintaining it is a massive pain in the ass.

This is the exact post I was thinking about as well

Yeah I read that too, so I stopped trying.

_cryptagion [he/him]

I’ll take your word on it, when I found out I had to expose my actual IP, I decided it wasn’t worth it and stuck with Proton.

Yup, exactly. But now? Now who? This situation such big time.

I mean you can use an SMTP gateway, but that kinda defeats the purpose, since they can read your emails, and you are still dependent on that service. Finding a good and trustworthy, encrypted email provider is probably easier. Don’t forget that you can still use a custom domain.

I think people are taking this stuff too personally - between zuck and these other tech ceos caving to the right wing social politics.

Fact is trump won the election, and hes the dictator of the usa now. He has legal immunity and the ability to kill anyone he wants officially, as well as full party control of all 3 branches of govt and the governers. He could scrap the constitution if he wanted to, all hed have to do is privately threaten to assasinate anyone that doesnt go along with his plans.

A private conversation has likely happened with these CEOs that effectively went “you need to help us maintain control of the govt or were going to take measures against you.”

Its nothing personal, for all we know their lives are literally on the line.

For all the talk abt small govt. The republicans have made the usa the most powerful federal govt of any western nation.

Zuck has been into mma for a while and his whole schtick for Facebook was misogyny and consent-free voyeurism, definitely right wing for real

Elon is apartheid baby, def right wing

Bezos is a sociopath who has always been right wing, people just think he wasn’t because he sold books. He sold books at low costs by abusing the early purchasing systems of booksellers -> right wing, as early as the mid 90s.

In other words…no

There’s plenty of mail & vpn services out there, so why bother sticking with the one you don’t agree with ideologically?

I disagree. While I understand to some extent the idea, I also think these people have agency and choice. I live in Germany, and the discussion “did people under Nazis really have a choice?” is probably one of the most heated topics in the historical discourse. Short answer, yes they had to some degree. You don’t have to cave in before the new overlord, and while we all obviously have to adapt to some extent, we don’t have to praise them.


while we all obviously have to adapt to some extent, we don’t have to praise them

I think this is the key point. There’s a world of difference between reluctantly complying with laws you might not like and going out of your way to publicly praise the regime. He could have stayed quiet. It would have cost him literally nothing to make no comment whatsoever.

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Empowering you to choose a better internet where privacy is the default. Protect yourself online with Proton Mail, Proton VPN, Proton Calendar, Proton Drive. Proton Pass and SimpleLogin.

Proton Mail is the world’s largest secure email provider. Swiss, end-to-end encrypted, private, and free.

Proton VPN is the world’s only open-source, publicly audited, unlimited and free VPN. Swiss-based, no-ads, and no-logs.

Proton Calendar is the world’s first end-to-end encrypted calendar that allows you to keep your life private.

Proton Drive is a free end-to-end encrypted cloud storage that allows you to securely backup and share your files. It’s open source, publicly audited, and Swiss-based.

Proton Pass Proton Pass is a free and open-source password manager which brings a higher level of security with rigorous end-to-end encryption of all data (including usernames, URLs, notes, and more) and email alias support.

SimpleLogin lets you send and receive emails anonymously via easily-generated unique email aliases.

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