Update: i went to reddit because there was an AMA from proton . There, they said: *The only reason why our Linux clients are lagging from a development is simply that it is extremely difficult to hire Linux Desktop developers.

So for anyone reading this, if you are based anywhere in the European timezone and willing to take up on the challenge, apply here: https://boards.eu.greenhouse.io/proton/jobs/4140067101*

Still reading all the replies, very greatful for the tips and responses, thank you all!


Thought i would share this with you all:

I contacted Proton for a technical issue and decided to also ask about their plans for Drive for Linux. Their response:

Proton Drive on Linux: Regarding the availability of a Proton Drive client for Linux, this is a common feature request that many users have expressed interest in. Our team is aware of the growing demand for a Linux client. While we currently do not have an ETA for when a Linux client might be available, we have not ruled out the possibility of working on it in the future.

I’m very disappointed, since i’m probably going to switch to Linux over the weekend.


Notifications are still encrypted, so no issues there about privacy. Convenience? Sure thing. BTW, I really want a notification service away from Google.


Even if the contents aren’t sent over Google servers in the first place, there’s still information left about when the app receives a notifcation.

This kind of metadata is already quite useful for profiling purposes, since it creates a clear trail to follow.


Sure, and that’s why a new method is planned.

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