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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


free plan is definitely not worth switching to;

You short think of it as a primarily paid service with a free trial, not a “free, but with paid subscription for extra stuff” type of deal

they even go as far as to attach an ad with a referral link to all of your outbound mail on the free tier (btw hiding the fact that this happens is kinda scummy but whatever; if you’re curious, it’s all the way at the bottom of the settings menu, and locked unless you pay up)

also, it defaults to, but some large websites including ph don’t accept these, addresses are a lot more reliable

google drive.
i pretty much sold my soul to google at this point
anyway they have my address, payment info, all of my photos since 2014, my preferences from YouTube, google maps data and since I’m using google location sharing and find my phone, they have access to my exact location at all times; and half of my payments go through google pay and I’m using android with my google account.

android cloud backups are unreliable.

voxeltoPrivacy Guides@lemmy.one2FA app

it doesn’t matter where it’s stored as long as it’s encrypted. Google obviously can’t look inside aes/password-encrypted backups

2fas. aegis is great but it has no automatic google drive backup.

isp can still see the ip, but it’s not as big of an issue as plain domain names (because the default dns logs requests 90% of the time).

also you should usually prefer DoT over DoH

use dns-over-tls if you want privacy.
also only domains are exposed in plain text.