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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


From the outside it honestly looks like half of what the federal government does is prevent certain states from abusing their people.

The problem isn’t large governments, you get abuse of power even on a very local level, think small town mayor or police or even in some hobby related clubs with just a few members.

Also, there is plenty of abuse when you don’t give any power to someone but they just take it because there is nobody to prevent them from taking it.

Is hating basic rights a requirement for that job or does it just attract those kinds of people?

A right to jail bad parents as other citizens observe them would probably do a lot to change parenting.

What gave you the impression security theatre was meant to be safer?

Every time one of these companies equates productivity with presence in the office it becomes more obvious that they have no clue what kind of work their employees actually do for them and how to check even the tiniest bit of their work output or results.

No, some of the functionality is definitely accessible without that, e.g. if you use ykman oath accounts code on Linux to read the TOTP codes you don’t need to click and I seem to recall some of the functionality has a configurable click requirement.

Not to mention it is all based on the questionable assumption that porn is somehow harmful for teens to watch but the exact same porn is not harmful for adults.

Odd, to me wherever I have been Google Maps is vast areas of uniformly coloured nothing only whereas OSM has details of every house, every footpath,…

That whole thing with 2TB being the largest plan and then you have to combine plans that might end on different days depending on your order time seems quite convoluted.

This is confusing, why post this now even though this is nearly 3 week old news. And why not at least add a summary of all that has happened since in terms of reactions from Rocky, Alma, Oracle, SuSE and the various opinions on how the RHEL license clause restricts GPL freedoms and why use the misleading term ‘closed source’ that has been widely criticized in the comments to the original article?

The real question is if creators still need to do that dystopian self-censorship to avoid being demonetized on the subscription money even though there are no advertisers who mandate advertiser-friendly language or content.

They are still going to sell your data even if you get Premium.

Self-hosting isn’t free either. And I am not even talking about the time investment. Just the space, the power usage, the internet connection,…