I really find i like discreet launcher from fdroid https://github.com/falzonv/discreet-launcher.
Yes, there is definitely abuse on local levels, but the abuse is extremely localized and cannot grow outside of a small sphere of influence, which don’t get me wrong, sucks for the people under that influence, but as long as they have the free right to leave its Okay, because you will have corrupt areas competing for people with non-corrupt areas and people will generally want to live in a non-corrupt area. If my city police are corrupt, and I move 20 miles to the next city, they no longer have influence over me, whereas if the US government is corrupt, then anywhere I go within 3,000 miles is still under their influence.
It’s a fundamental part of the system. When you as a human give power over your life to somebody else or accept that other people have power over you, then that power will inevitably attract the worst of society who will attempt to use that power that you have granted them. The only way out of this is to completely reject the premise of large government. No one person should be beholden to a large central entity. At least here in the United States, I think the state government should be about as big as government gets and completely abolish the federal government because it is just abusive and too far away from the people.
Yes, but a password is a shared secret. So both you and the person you are interacting with need the password and therefore it is more vulnerable. With a past key, only you have the private key and the company or service you are interacting with never has access to the secret. Basically, they encrypt a message to you using your public key and then your private key decrypts it and sends them a response back with the correct answer.
I use osmand in conjunction with gps-coordinates.net so I can get the GPS coordinates of addresses to put into osmand since it has a serious lack of addresses
No, there is a monero.com wallet on play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.monero.app and on fdroid via a custom repository. Its on the IOS app store as well if you own one of those https://apps.apple.com/us/app/monero-com-by-cake-wallet/id1601990386
Monero, as for wallets Monero.com and Monerujo are your best bets for now.
I just started using Kagi and am actually still in my 100 free search trial period. I have already added some bitcoin to my account to subscribe when the time comes.
Edit: so far i have used fewer searches than i expected. I have used 19 searches in 10 days or 1.9 searches per day. I thought it would be much higher than that. I admit i have used the ddg bang when doing currency conversion to not waste a search on that though.
Well, every transaction made with your bank is tracked. Doing it the way i am the bank only sees a single transaction to the exchange and the exchange sees a buy. After that the trail goes dark. I try to support small businesses that take monero directly like gratuitas.org when possible. The giftcards are for the big brands that would not be easy to get to accept it. If a small mom and pop type wants to accept it i still use them first. Take gratuitas as an example, their coffee is more expensive than the big box. I choose to buy it anyway because they dont convert the monero back to dollars when they get it.
Edit: if i worked for them i would want my pay in monero so they would get it from a customer, pay me with it, and i would pay bills with it. Thats the beginning of a circular economy which is what we want.
Through instacart or via walmart giftcards with Coin Cards or Coinsbee.
Which website? Cake wallet? You can also find the github here
Actually, i have been paying for groceries, my phone bill, and my email service for the past year in monero. I also use it when i go out to eat and could pay my power bill with it too. The only bill i honestly cant pay is the mortgage. That one is a direct bank draft and not a card payment otherwise i could even do that one.
Also, if not you can always try yourbank.com, switch banks, or learn how to pay all your bills with monero and use cake wallet from their official fdroid repo.
Well, if OpenStreetMap doesnt have the house or building number at all you will need to add them. If the numbers are their then try searching by (city streetname building number). Example would look like “Atlanta Amber Road Northwest 3733”. If the building number doesnt exist in the OSM database try gps-coordinates.net and enter the address. Once you get the coordinates plug those into OsmAnd (i think it will only take the first 5 numbers after the “.” So 32.12345678 would have to be entered as 32.12345
To the best of my understanding a “.ics” file only contains event data such as time, date, title, description, location, reminders, etc. Your mapping software is responsible for getting you a route not the .ics file. If you wanted to use OSM for sure, convert the address to GPS coordinates with something like https://gps-coordinates.net and use those as the location in the calendar event.
How about unified push support? I’ve never gotten push notifications from the proton app since I’ve been using it in 2018 because of the fact that I do not have Google Play Services installed, so I have to actually be like a caveman and manually check my email several times a day.