old, stupid

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


i use jellyfin also, but i dont hide it behind my VPN… no real reason to. it already has valid SSL cert, and user credentialing. so my jellyfin container uses the hosts network.

i only really care about my ISP detecting torrent activity as they can shut me down.

honestly, i expect this behavior with a kill switch.

but i switched to an easier to manage prevention mechanism; you run your vpn connection in its own container using gluetun, and then run your torrent client (or whatever app youre locking down) in a container with its network defined as the vpn container. your lan access the downloads via the docker host.

no muss, no fuss, no bleeding

its collaborative. the data needs to be sent somewhere, its going to be recorded somewhere

ie, you get to see your partners activity

even keystrokes and cursor movements are encrypted.


youre correct. its the local routing table that is vulnerable, which is usually handled by the OS.

I had not yet heard of any mitigation techniques from the vpn provider side. glad to know they are assisting with this OS/client failure.

well, im not as im not using interfaces that are affected by the vulnerability (im using named, containerized network interfaces), but i appreciate the info!

it was initially reported as ‘linux & android’ were not affected.

i stand by my statement that this isnt about the VPN provider, its a client problem. so the question about Proton is moot.

its about the client.

im using linux so im not affected using proton.

it kinnd of looks like its just attempting to get you to setup alternative access methods so you dont get locked out of the account.

subsidized freemium is a standard practice. it cuts into their profits maybe slightly, but turnover into paying customers is worth it.

sounds like a bunch of nonsense to me. if there was really this much concern, you wouldnt have to dig out an old video

ive not seen any reputable security folk shit on proton. have you?

ahh. im old… i dont do those vid sites. i dont even use youtube

i really like their services but i dont really use their apps… theyre basically an smtp handler and solid openvpn endpoint for me.

where do you even see this stuff? i dont think ive ever seen a proton ad, ever.

hear that people, if you have an extremely unique request, proton might not be right for you.

vendor lock in? only if you suck at email.

but it’s correct in that it’s ’All mail [you actually want to see]’.

this is my point. the term ‘all mail’ was not subjective, is now subjective. the labels purpose has changed fundamentally. it should be changed to match this new paradigm.

and no, i personally never expected anything to be excluded from ‘all’ considering its historic use and freakin label.

i think your label is factually false then. its ‘all curated mail’ or ‘almost all mail’ it is definitely Not all mail anymore.

call me a pedant, but fix your freakin lablel if youre going to change the behavior expected by said label.

for the mint-curious

mint curates their own app manager/‘store’… it caused quite the curfluffel, but i enjoy it because the crap in there is ‘sanctioned’ to work in mint…

i believe protonvpn has had a thing in there a year or more

many years, several domains… lots of DNS nonsense. i have never had a single issue. proton is kinda awesome…