im sorry i broke the code
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 23, 2023


Proton is not a non-profit, the company that “owns” proton is non profit

Yeah but aside for that stupid, useless wallet, they are stretched too thin and their products are just so lacklustre compared to the alternatives in everything.

Only the mail is kinda good, with the mobile app being just “ok” for basic workflows. The calendar and everything else, though, is straight up a pain to use compared to the alternatives

Can we please get full parity between the webapps and the native apps on iOS? The damn calendar widget on iOS?

It is truly uneducated. While it’s true that the “UI” part is web you can interface with the OS level api so it’s not that different than a real software

I wish people stopped to throw that term around

I wish they would stop bashing at other companies, it is quite a bad look to be fair

Then the question is, how many Linux users are off X. If they use proton I guess they care about privacy, which means they are more likely not to be on a capitalist social - more so one ran by Musk: the percentage of Linux users using proton products may be even higher.

Nice! Can’t wait for them to make their proton calendar app good

Considering how bad their mobile apps are (at least on iOS), it will probably meet the same fate as proton calendar

Proton is becoming better every day

Often times is easier to push new services than to polish old ones

And how is that becoming better? Their mobile and desktop softwares aren’t on par with anything free or paid, they work yes but they lack a of features that their own web app have; the calendar app, on iOS at least, is straight up useless; the mail app works but it lacks in basic features and it’s ugly; they barely support Linux; their own drive software lacks a lot of features that other drive services - privacy oriented and with E2E - have.