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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I always see people asking for it, but I guess we’re actually the vocal minority in this situation.

It’s an email account, not social media so I think this is a ridiculous take. It’s inherently private and only shared with people you explicitly send it to, such as family.

For all you know they may not turn out to keep being your daughter forever. It’s kind of a gross overstepping of parental boundaries

Such a shoehorned, irrelevant point that won’t apply to 99% of the population. This sounds like a you problem that you’re projecting onto others, and it’s honestly rude to say that it’s a gross overstepping of parental boundaries.

Yes, but the company can still be stretching itself too thin by having too many projects on at once.

I know it’s usually not as simple as throwing bodies at a project, but it feels like they could still do with more focus on their core products.

I’ve been asking for it for a couple of years, I would never expect anything from proton “soon”.

Just completed the survey and asked for it.

I also asked for a search alternative, like what Kagi offers. Would be a great addition to their services imo, but I doubt they could pull it off given how slow their development usually is.