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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 23, 2023


Which apps are you referring to? Google and Apple’s services have long been the default choice for notifications on mobile devices. Other options get killed off by battery optimization processes without special setup.

Ah, awesome. Only recently switched to using Aurora. Thought you might need a Google account to find/get beta versions.

Thank you for this. How did you find the beta build number? I assume it’ll change as soon as the push a bug fix.

Finally! I’ve missed this feature so much since I had Google Inbox.

One thing to note is that SimpleLgoin (haven’t used AnonDady) is that it can generate different kinds of aliases.

One option allows you to specify the part of the email before the @. These will all use a common randomly generated sub domain. As these subdomains are assigned to individual users, you can correlate two aliases to the same user. It’s probably not picked us as easily as an exact match, but far from impossible.

Simple login does have the option to generate completely random emails which don’t use a common subdomain. This mixes your usage with every other user of the service.