Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.

Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 10, 2023


imo they offer unfinished or straight up redundant products. with the “community feedback” you get a certain amount of “points” which you can use to beg them to implement features (which other apps implemented years ago) only for them to basically never implement anything, even if hundreds of users describe it as “critical”.

it took me a week to convince my family of a familyplan, but then less than 1 hour of trying the android apps to decide against it.

id advise to just start using joplin or whatever suits you. i cannot prove it but would not be surprised if they keep buying those apps mainly to remove them from the market and thus grow their monopoly ecosystem. also got an offer to sell but refused.

lol what a joke , im genuinly surpised anyone would even pay for 1 of their producs [besides the vpn maybe]


even minimal metadata for example from signal contains

Message dates and times

Message senders and recipients (via phone number identifiers)

From these 2 pieces of information, its possible to build social graphs: who talked to who, and when they did it. Also, who’s in a group chat with who else.

(worth to read in full)

Thanks, appreciate it. And just to be clear, i found this article on the internet and thought its interesting to share with a community who claims to care about privacy; it was not meant to be a slander attack or anything, and I remain like 80% sure that youre not CIA 😜

Thanks for your feedback, I tried to clarify it a bit, the post title, however, cannot be changed because of rule 7.

😒 if people comment, why do they not read the post or the linked article?

read the article, the keypoints have nothing to do with proton or the posted article. i just tried to add more context and illustrste that “swiss privacy” is an empty marketing phrase, like “military grade security” etc.

can you also give a response to the “Addendum 2” in the article?

sure, but also

„We kill people based on metadata.“ Michael Hayden, NSA

my inability to answer that question makes me consider to apply for a job in the swiss secret service.

ProtonMail voluntarily offers Assistance for Real-Time Surveillance
From 2019, but still [this fullstop signals not only the end of that sentence, but also the end of this statement]. And here [those two words indicate that new information/context is being added; it is being indicated that we now no longer talk about the article, which the uneditorialized post title references and the post link leads to] something a bit more recent about the glorious “swiss privacy” [this makes it further clear that the following is about swiss privacy in general and not about Proton] ## key points [they were added because the main article is about Proton and written in english and because OP assumed that most in here are unable to read german and care less about general swiss privacy than they do care about Proton] - New reporting based on documents and court records shows that since 2017, the internet traffic of Swiss citizens has been massively monitored and read when it crosses borders, which happens routinely even for communication within Switzerland. - The intelligence service's claims that purely domestic Swiss internet traffic is collected are false, given how internet routing actually works. Traffic flows across borders dynamically, not through static "cables" as claimed. - All data is stored and searched, including retrospectively, meaning the intelligence service builds an ever growing haystack of private communication to dig through. This includes communication from journalists and lawyers that should be protected. - In 2023, steps were taken to expand monitoring further by requiring more Swiss internet providers to enable access to their infrastructure, including providers that don't directly deal with cross-border traffic. This contradicts previous claims about how the monitoring would work. - Critics argue this invalidates assurances given earlier by the government and intelligence officials and constitutes mass surveillance that violates civil liberties. There are plans in 2024 to revise the intelligence law again, possibly to retroactively legalize monitoring practices already occurring.

i mentionied the flaws i saw and are are being adresssed by the community since years without ever anything happening. so i just dont get the focus on a problem that does not even exist.

what will the next article be about? to dont write your password on a post it and stick it onto the screen?

no they are not, just another stupid article from proton. nothing stops you from saying that bwE0FpHb5iPzMZiismyeiTIWhoB*#V8SaD0F3R*SeH was your first pets name.

proton however stops you from disabling otp after setting up multiple security keys, they stop you from putting a pin on your drive app and they stop you from using an +4 digit pin on your mail app.

but yea, the potentially insecure thing they dont even offer is the biggest concernn here 🤦‍♀️

How to stop privacy/security theatre? How to stop worrying?
I guess a lot of us do some form of privacy/security theatre. I'm at least doing it quite a lot of it, and it's difficult to stop thinking of new things that could (but probably never will) go wrong. So instead of hearing how safe and cool your setup is, I'd like to hear how you simplified things and stopped the (hopefully 🤔) needless overthinking.

Idk. But I know a country where the VPN quadrupled my internet speed.

If you just want a place to backup photos, I’d use something safe and reliable (I use windows one drive cuz I have one TB there anyway) in combination with cryptomator. Literally cannot go wrong.

Never trust stuff that sounds too good to be true. Companies like pCloud sometimes have lifetime offers of like 1000 TB for $200 or something. But a quick search will lead you to countless complaints of people that got their account disabled for some kind of ‘violation of terms’