red nose energy

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 12, 2023


TIL. Still, that doesn’t beat that one.

That’s way more fare and square than using promotional codes and limited time offers like services usually do for marketing. It’s very rare and cool.

It’s mainly keywords at that point. This process is sure to have steps. To step into a suspected category, to be elevated into those who are to be studied closer, you should ring some alerts.

Thank you for the link.

I can imagine a couple of ways it can be obfuscated, but here in your link I’ve been reminded ActivityPub also serves Mastodon, where interactions are way less impersonal by design.

Connect app makes it work. Some are slow to implement the uniformal markdown.

As far as I know, LLMs are not that clever yet, and it would require a lot of work to automate tracking of so many targets. But a dedicated person tracking one user can see these. Unknowingly, we leave a lot of cues to know who we are. Not only patterns, but exact word-markers, like calling something by a regional-accepted name. Like how my english teachers insisted London’s metro is called Tube.

Haha. If all of us would do so, we’d sure up this usercount to combat Meta’s Threads and dying Twitter.

If you can create a Lemmy instance and federate, you can shovel data about every vote linked to an account
I've created this post: And some admin showed they can see how the upvotes\downvotes go. If you are concerned about privacy, you should know, that this data on Lemmy can be easily mined and tracked.

EU bullied sites into showing cookies warnings even on sites outside of EU. In effing Russia of all places too. You’d think, with enough torque, anything can be pushed onto them. Even good things.