Unless Proton OS is a consideration, I dont think a browser is a natural progression. There are plenty of private browser options already being developed (and I think the proton extensions cover most conveniences). The only way I’d see a Proton browser as a positive thing is if they went all in on ladybird or some other completely independent browser engine.
I think its redundant and an incredibly bad idea to have my email, vpn, calendar, and cloud provider host my passwords. If I wanted a cloud based password manager, I’d use a standalone tool like Bitwarden. (imo, I realistically think protons implementation in probably just as secure for the average user.)
Either way, I think a password database is too important to store in the cloud, so I use KeePass.
A new proton product that isn’t useless? ahem PASS
I like this, and I REALLY hope Proton ignores the fact that a web browser came first in their community poll for their next service / product. That result shocked me, I couldn’t think of a worse (specifically, more redundant) application for them to release / develop.
scli exists, but Signal’s support for third party clients is pretty dogshit. The frontend uses signal-cli commands in the background, and worked well when I used it a few months ago. It doesnt have every single feature the electron one does, but it did everything I needed it to.
Phone Numbers < Chosen Usernames (XMPP) < Singular Random User IDs (Session), < Per-Conversation Randomized User IDs (SimpleX).
You also aren’t taking into account metadata, whose availablity is directly impacted by a messenger’s user ID system.
Trying to make the argument the phone number requirement isn’t Signal’s biggest detractor, but is actually a positive feature, are based on nothing but you thinking that.
Matrix is heavier to self host, and anecdotally I think a lot better for communities / group chats than instant messaging.
XMPP is easier to self host, doesn’t leak a shit ton of metadata to an overused homeserver, and has better clients on all platforms but iOS.
Element’s (matrix’s most developed cross-platform client) feature parity is really impressive though.
Dino is a much better desktop client than Signal’s imo. Especially because Signal only distributes their desktop app as debs and flatpaks. Mobile apps aren’t as good looking, but Conversations is more performant. iOS clients are the only missing link to make that last point moot, and I think Monal is getting there.
You are correct about a lack of standardized VOIP encryption, I hadnt thought of that as I never make calls using XMPP.
I was talking about individuals self hosting XMPP, not organizations. And I would imagine its much more popular for organizations to host XMPP servers, as government agencies and business already have been since the early 2000s.
As for the metadata leaking, while metadata is obviously available to the admins of the servers you and you recipient are using, these chat histories are not synced in their entirely, and not to other instances. Is this not the same in Matrix, except that the metadata is more freely shared between servers?
Either way, SimpleX chat addresses most of Matrix and XMPP’s shortcomings, I hope it can one day replace them.
Not FUD, Matrix syncs entire chats to all involved servers, unlike XMPP. This post explains and links to why Matrix does leak more data than XMPP in this regard.
Also, using the term FUD makes you seem stupid.
The “lot of cases” you’re referring is using XMPP without OMEMO enabled, which is a pretty moot point as anyone using XMPP for any sensitive purpose would enable this (and every client I’ve used clearly warns you your message content is unencrypted if this is disabled). Also, XMPP has better (imo) and more numerous clients than Matrix on every platform except iOS and MacOS (No better XMPP client than Element on these platforms).
I disagree that XMPP is a “mess of standards”. XMPP is one standard, extremely minimal at its core, which is highly extensible. The issue you’re talking about is that clients dont always support every XMPP feature, although they all support OMEMO.
I definitely prefer an extensible protocol to a much heavier, metadata-leaking, less-feasible to self host solution like Matrix.
What are you talking about? Metadata is information about your messages besides it’s encrypted content; i.e. time of send and who the recipient and sender are. Matrix has a large weakness, as most users use matrix.org. This is bad because metadata can reveal a lot about ones communications, and most every message sent on matrix (unless it is in a private message with someone not using matrix.org) is passed through matrix.org. This pools a lot of metadata in one place, and there are other messengers do not have this issue, or if they do, they do not have it as badly. Metadata is not magically hidden because your server is located in Switzerland.
It doesn’t matter what server you use, unless you do not interact with anyone from matrix.org.
The other reply encompassed it really well, but essentially scraping is very very difficult to stop while also keeping YouTube videos publicly accessible (If the video and audio are playing on your computer, there isn’t really a foolproof way to stop that from being captured). Whereas using the YouTube API to get videos can be easily stopped by Google.
My fault entirely. I guess my argument would be that those other corporations also shouldn’t be creating password managers, at least ‘within their ecosystem’.
I believe a password database should preferably be stored locally, and at least in a cloud that is completely separate from your essential account(s) (i.e Proton, Google, Microsoft accounts, etc.) I have no doubt Proton’s implementation is secure, but I think the principle of using it is not ideal.