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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Sep 14, 2023


Haha exactly, by that calculation $1 a year would cover you and two others. Get that family onboard :)

Signal had 40 million active users in 2021. With 14 million in infra cost, that comes to .35 per user/year. Total expenses are about 33 million, so about .825 per user/year. All in all that seems very reasonable.


So it should be pretty easy to cover your own costs and maybe that of a couple of friends to make the transaction fees worth it :)

I mean, yes, it could’ve been differently, and as I understand it they’re going to. But as a user, how is your life worse with this than without this? What’s the impact of something being installed but not running?

Well, there’s a way to frame this as malicious. I’m not a fan of Brave, but it also installs, say, a spell checker without consent, or a Tor client. Sure, the code is there even if you don’t use it, but… What’s the actual harm?