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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


They mentioned that other providers aren’t reliable enough and therefore would need to use that live notification method. I hope I understood correctly (re: the 2nd part of the sentence)

“On your first question, we are in touch with the rclone dev working on Proton Drive integration and they have our API specs and documentation, and we’re available to answer any questions that they might have”

Nice, I hope rclone integrates with them soon

They said something along the lines of it requiring to develop two separate apps and they don’t have the resources for that atm

"We might have one more product coming in 2024. 2025 is further out so it is harder to anticipate, but after a period of many product releases, we generally enter a more “quiet” period where we are focusing more on existing products. "

Would it help them to just pick a single distribution, open source the client, and have the community figure out how to build for other distributions?

Edit: also, part of the reason there aren’t many Linux users is because there’s missing clients Edit2: they wrote this in the AMA: On your first question, we are in touch with the rclone dev working on Proton Drive integration and they have our API specs and documentation, and we’re available to answer any questions that they might have

They’re starting to ramp up feature release speeds, nice!

Connecting to a server without a big load % also helps me

Maybe that was the moment it checked for authentication at which point it saw you were suspended. So probably nothing to do with clicking reply all

Simplelogin joined Proton on April 8 2022 https://simplelogin.io/blog/simplelogin-join-proton/ July 29 that year the SSO login was implemented https://www.reddit.com/r/ProtonMail/comments/wb1byk/you_can_now_link_your_proton_and_simplelogin/

Proton acquired Stabdardnites on April 10 2024, so probably around July-August if it’ll take a similar effort

Are we finally getting the ability for ppl to add files and create directories under shared dirs?

Do you use it for a business for employees? Or just for the features?

Gives you premium access to all of their services, pretty neat

How slow are we talking? Like latency between file add to file start uploading? Or just general time it takes to download/upload?

There are foss ai models that can work offline, so it’s not completely out of the question to develop something that respects privacy. But IMO not entirely sure of that’s the best use of resources, unless this doesn’t slow down development of other improvements

Like someone else said here - I do what I can and go on with my day. Wouldn’t assume soneone who cares/proactive about privacy is “overthinking”.

As with everything in life, there’s a tradeoff for everything. I just recently downloaded LineageOS MicroG fork because ride share apps simply won’t launch without Google play services.

Maybe op has vpn at the router level and doesn’t need an extra vpn layer. Or uses the adblocking features so only needs it outside home


We use your information only as you’ve permitted and in service of bettering your user experience.

Little worried about the second part but I like that’s it’s short

I see the confusion, what I meant to say their keyboard is spying on them which includes their part of my conversation with them. Having an app broadcast the metadata of the conversations (whatsapp) + a keyboard spying on them = me getting profiled, somewhat.

Although Meta tries to go Apple’s way and not share data (likewise for Google, iirc)

Wdym? I was under the impression that the Google native/default keyboard on Android feeds some stuff to their ad-related dataset

Don’t trust them either but that’s sometimes a good sign. It’s been used for illegal activities using a 3rd party client for a while in one country that I know of, which oddly enough makes me a little more comfortable. Or at least that country just couldn’t get access to the data

IMO I’d rather have that and have them clearly say they’re not using it for anything than potentially be profiled on WhatsApp where my friends keyboards are spying on their end in terms of content, i.e. be plugged into a social network with half the conversation exposed that way.

I say sane in comparison to that.

Granted these are my own concerns

I heard from their forums it’s something they’re working on, so hopefully this year

Answer: Signal

I wish people would use Signal, but Telegram is the closest thing to a sane privacy policy I’ve got. There are a few that luckily agreed to use Signal.

Waiting on interoperability, see how that’s implemented in Signal+WhatsApp (hopefully with Telegram to so I can ditch that).

What other info can help distinguish between regular sims and esims in terms of privacy?

Or alternatively what’s missing from thecomments?

Asking, not trying to challenge you, I’m honestly trying to learn

I see a pattern of a lack of transparency here indeed, thanks.

I’m hoping for some major event to push people to Signal and/or Matrix. Struggling to see how else might a migration trend happen.

True. There’s some trust involved there still, but way less trust needed than with a company that simply doesn’t publish its server code.

I was afraid of that outcome and went for the auto-delete option, some groups have just a few days in terms of retention.

I’m sorry you had to go through this though.

Would you rather lose a contact if they insist on a communication channel that’s leaking metadata but the content is e2ee (WhatsApp for example)? (Or perhaps in your view keeping the content secure is more important than anything?)

Asking out of curiosity, I’m aware that every person has their own threat model

Thanks everyone on sharing your thoughts ln this! This has been really helpful!

I see some saying their policy says one thing about cooperation with law enforcement but they seem to have been doing just the opposite, reducing the trust overall in the rest of their promises (e.g. their data collection).

Some compared to the closer to ideal apps such as Signal or Matrix in terms of privacy.

I’m curious to also hear what do you do to compromise to keep your social connections? The practical side of navigating the current state of the Internet and people’s social life.

It’s been an uphill battle with asking folks to use Signal, and Telegram seem to be better than giving out info to Meta.

I heard similar things. It just really sucks that WhatsApp collects everything they can besides the content.

Aside from the lack of E2EE, why is Telegram not trustworthy?
A lot of privacy guides suggest avoiding Telegram. I understand that in its default mode there's no E2EE (and no E2EE for groups at all). If people I know don't wanttko use Signal, isn't Telegram the lesser evil given it's nicer privacy policy (than other popular ones)? Say I use the FOSS version of it.