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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


This is possible with Bitwarden to, but via third party services, like DDG, Fastmail, Addy and Simple Login.

Only recently, but been recommended them a few times here and there. Seems very good so far, personally use it with Thunderbird, as I prefer the UI and features it offers. It’s also very very reasonably priced. Plus it’s German service, so has good privacy laws (depends on your privacy model I guess), but suits mine.

There is also https://posteo.de/en, that could be worth checking out.

Same boat here, getting these adds and also follow them closely on other platforms. Also fed up with their marketing. I might come back to Proton in the future, but I personally feel like their services as well as their attitude is immature.

Great point! They totally should, and I would assume they have the recourses for it too.

I dotn know much about Mozilla VPN, but I believe I heard its a white label of Mullvad, so I assume thir feature set to be similar.

As someone who is deep into the world of VPNs (writing my masters about this), I personally would only recommend the aforementioned ones.

For cloud storage I used to use MEGA and really enjoyed their services, but also not 100% open source i think. Otherwise you could check out Filen.io, or Ente.io(for pictures only).

I don’t mind the emails that they send. For me it was this flashy purple button stuck on the UI trying to get me to buy family plan or just telling me aboyt the BF sale. I don’t get why I should upgrade to something more when im already paying full price. Also read about multiple other people complain about this on Reddit.

They recently had a AUA over at Reddit, they stated they they were lacking Linux Developers hence the delay of Linux releases across the board. So can’t judge them to harshly for it either, but personally not gonna wait around for it.

Don’t know anything about who they hire though.

You sir are absolutely not alone about this! I mostly use Proton via the Web, and even with the Unlimited Subscription, I got ads all over Black Friday, and after about some family plan upgrades if I recall correctly. Their marketing have been off the charts, almost as bad as other VPN providers.

Although I trust Proton with my data, I really don’t like some of their choices, pluss the lack of Linux support. I can see myself checking them out at a later point again, but for now I’ve had enough. Migrating to other services that suit me better:

  • Bitwarden
  • Mailbox
  • Mullvad / IVPN (undecided)

Tooting with ya… personally looking to switch to other solutions purely because of this.

They stated in their previous AUA that they’re lacking Linux Developers, even have positions open for applicants. So they said all Linux releases will be quite a bit behind Windows and Mac releases.

How do you find mailbox? Currently wanting to migrate to it from Protonmail, due to the lack of Linux support… (Migrating to different services all around as I also don’t all eggs in one basket) Mailbox seems like the most affordable and good solution.

Quick question, is RCS mostly a protocol used in the US or something? Cos never heard of the term here in Europe. Maybe I just live under a rock tho.

Thanks for the suggestion, but sadly that app is listed to have ads and it’s not open-source either, so for me personally that won’t work.

However, I was recommended an app called Media Merger on F-droid, worked flawlessly for me!

Normally I would vote against having anything from reddit ported over here, but in this case I would vote in favor, considering Proton deciding to only post on that sh*t site.

What if one has a stupid Sony phone with stupid “Photography Pro” camera app, that doesn’t let you change the download path? Any tips?

How do I set my camera to always post pictures taken in “DCIM/Camera/” ? My built in camera app saves it to a different folder name 🙃 Edit : My camera app doesn’t seem to let me choose the download path, what now…

Using a Web browser when you have thousands fo files needing to be synced is a terrible experience…

Yeah this is so annoying… I hate the focus they have, has me thinking of also not throwing all eggs in one basket with these services…

Tried it for a week, but personally found it all to confusing for being a note taking app…

Mailbox.org is a great alternative, cheaper and runs entirely of green energy ✌️

This is good insight, thanks for that

Would have been nice, but doubt they would add that.

I was in the same boat, buy ended up biting the bullet and went with Proton Unlimited. No regrets now, having the vpn is super handy when needed.

I Second this, Organic Maps is super stable, has good UI and is very detailed(even marks benches in parks where I live).