Autistic tech enthusiast and entrepreneur

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 12, 2023


Very good idea! Be the change you wanna see and fork firefox right now! :) or build something else entirely.

I‘m not sure what you‘re talking about. A vpn obviously is worth nothing on its own without people knowing what they‘re doing (or can’t do, like logging ingo any accounts such as google when using the vpn). Is that what you meant?

Thats understandable but this kind of one off has already been done afaik. I really think it needs to become a regular installment to begin changing things. Because legal fees and class actions don’t really sway google & co but if that became a thing, it would attract attention and that will cause problems. They give in at settlements because they want to bury cause and people asap.

While those are all valid points and I have personally seen him say that on screen, it is the same ballpark. Right now, VPN providers are imo the ones who profit the most from privacy concerns. And express vpn alone makes a nice 600k a year (not a lot compared to google but not nothing either).

Absolutely possible that they often handle it. It was just the idea that we kind of need something like r/wallstreetbets but with lawyers&for commercial & legislative justice or something. I‘m thinking a little broader than privacy. More like if a sub decides that a topic has 10s of thousands of followers, it is brought before one or more courts with a kickstarter campaign and all. This could be the future of online governing. As in fighting for freedom -> organizing political campaigns -> turning the tide on fascists and autocrats politically and commercially and taking back control of the political landscape.

Louis Rossmann would like a word (allthough its r2r in his case and barely touching privacy but it has been said about r2r as well)

Are there „lawfirms“ that specialize on antitrust?
I know I could google it but I prefer to discuss it here: There are many interesting discussions about antitrust, companies being jerks and corporats making the world worse. I think it would be cool to have a couple „rogue“ lawyers band together and start making class action law suits against corporations and states for using/enabling anti consumer/anti competitive practices. I have never been asked to participate in such lawsuits so I assume its not being optimally presented online so far. Feel free to correct my impression here. TL;DR: I think we need more ways to fight against anti consumer/privacy stuff in courts all over the world.