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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2022


Adnausium sounds really cool! How similar is it to uBlock in practice? (I don’t want to lose the great performance of uBlock)

I much preferred their old CLI app over the GUI. Hoping they bring it back.

I didn’t get a message like this, and I’m a Proton person. I’d be wary of phishing too.

I hadn’t seen that, thanks!! I was also among those confused when Signal pulled SMS, but now it finally makes sense.

Signal could have done better PR to explain the “why” at the time.

What’s missing for Linux? I use Linux + Proton & haven’t noticed anything missing?

Well, on second thought there is no Linux GUI version of their VPN is there? I prefer terminal apps though, so this never bothered me. But I could definitely see that as an annoyance to others.