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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Lol it’s similar to like r/techsupport on Reddit where every reaponse is “you must have malware” when the OP clearly doesn’t. People in these communities have absolutely no clue what they’re talking about. They just parrot misinformation.

You guys do realize that porn has existed for generations right? You could get porn on the Internet back in like 1998. And before that people had magazines and vhs videos.

But for some reason people act like it’s some recent immergent phenomena that’s only NOW damaging kids. Makes no sense…

Just talk to your damn kids about sex. It’s not a big deal. Just be parents for Gods sake. Stop outsourcing your parenting responsibility to our dysfunctional and idiotic government, and corporations.

So is he shitting on winscribe specifically or all commercial VPNs? Idk how to read into this. Is he saying Mullvad sucks too?

Easily toggled off in the settings. This is a big nothing-burger. Come on people…

It’s the same setting you use to turn off general telemetry. Chances are you’ve already disabled this. So can we stop crying about it? Literally nothing changed if you already turned telemetry off in settings.

That website is dogshit. I’ve seen it linked to a lot here. And it always has shit paywalled. Kinda ironic because they do a lot of privacy and anti advertising articles…

Just an fyi. DoH is a fucking nightmare for network management. For example, if you use a pihole on your network, you 100% do NOT want devices using encrypted DNS.

Well, never downvoted my own comment before

You have paid for your sins in blood. You are cleansed.

Just remove the fuse, cut a wire or go to a local shop and get the comms system disabled.

You literally said “cut a wire” in your original response…

Because that’s how they wire the cars. It’s like when you block shit with pihole and it breaks basic functionality. At least with pihole you can fine tune which domains you block. When you cut a wire, you power down the entire thing.

Guess what happens when you connect your phone to your car via bluetooth? Data collection! Most of the data collection happens from phones bro. You’re literally better off leaving the car alone and simply NEVER connecting your phone, unless it’s with an aux cable.

You don’t have to lecture me about privacy vs. Features. I fully get it. I value privacy very much. All I’m saying is that it will likely fuck up car features that you want if you randomly start cutting cables.

Not a viable solution since this will likely result in your entire infotainment system or other features being unusable. Not having the radio in your car work or not having safety features work would suck.

The only issue is your entire infotainment system including the radio will probably stop working.

Oh yeah, I meant an independent shop, not the official dealer. Thx for the info though. It’s digusting that cars collect so much.

I found out that my car uploads driving metrics to the manufacturer constantly, including speed, braking metrics, nav info, etc.

I’m assuming a local car shop will refuse to do this for you?

Would there be any functionality side effects of doing this?

Because the US government is run by like 80 year old boomers who don’t even know how to use a cell phone, let alone regulate data collection.

Fyi some auto makers will “disable” the data collection and upload, if you call them and tell them to for your vehicle. Now whether they actually are disabling it is another story entirely…

There are likely ways to “root” your car and take a look at exactly what is going on but I have no clue how.

Why pay for a VPN when you can just use pivpn/wireguard for free? The question was how to simply use pihole when remote. Idk why you’d need to pay for a VPN to do that.

You can use pivpn and tunnel into it using wireguard when You’re not home.

Thanks, and you haven’t had any issues with wrbsites or anything?

Is there a way to test that it is working properly?

Does firefox have any fingerprinting protection by default even if you do NOT enable resist fingerprinting in about:config?

How badly does resist fingerprinting break sites? And what is the best way to fix it when it breaks? Is using Firefox but not using resist fingerprinting stupid?

You have to understand that that number is grossly skewed and completely meaningless. Think of the person who would be most likely to use that website. It’s logical to assume that many of them are Firefox users, who tend to be more privacy oriented. I doubt your average chrome or safari user is worrying about their privacy. Probably only Reddit or Lemmy users (or other tech forum users) have even heard of this website. The actual market share of Firefox is low as fuck. I think it was like 1% lol. So uea, of coirse that website is going to show a ton of Firefox users by % of total users.

Edit: Just in case it wasn’t clear. The 42% is the % of firefox users out of THE USERS OF THAT WEBSITE, not actual Firefox user %.

Ironically by using Firefox you’re already completely unique since Firefox has like 0.5% marke share lol.

NordVPN has had itself audited 3 times and their policy stood up. Not sayin you shouldn’t go mullivad, but nordvpn does appear to stand by their no logging policy. That being said, mullivad as a company seems less sketch than nordvpn. They’re both probably fine.

I mean what if you just had 2 HDDs mirrored on site and then like 1 or 2 copies off site? That’s basically the 3 2 1 rule but manual

Wait I’m so sorry. I are you saying my advice is bad? Or OP’s?

Can you explain further? I’d like to hear other viewpoints on this. It’s possible I am an idiot.

Don’t use ANY form of a cloud if you actually care about your privacy. Local backups only.