• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I have a really long password on Bitwarden like 30+. I use OnlyKey to store this password on a hardware device.

You mentioned phones. My problem with using another 2FA app is that it’s still on my phone.

Here. I have lots of energy since the patriarchy can’t fuck me without being gay. Sadly it’s empty


Cheap Cloud/Photo Storage: BackBlaze + Rclone + Round Sync
I didn't see this on any privacy guide, but with minimal work, you can have a cloud drive that's accessible from your phone and laptop. Basically setup Rclone mounted => Rclone crypt => Rclone + Backblaze. Dump all your files and it works like a normal cloud drive. Android Rclone client is here https://github.com/newhinton/Round-Sync/releases Round Sync let's you setup Cronjobs so you can backup all your photos or whatever automatically. I have a job that syncs all my photos to my drive every couple days. I store a lot in Backblaze and it's <1USD/mo. I can provide details if there is interest.

“Under the terms of the bill, encrypted messaging apps would be obligated to check users’ messages for child sexual abuse material.”

Good job UK. You broke WhatsApp. Now try Signal or GPG. Oh no. Look. You can’t. Honestly, pure dumbfuckery.

I oppose child sex abuse, but banging your head against a wall will not solve it.

Do any hardened Linux distributions exist?
For example, ones that implement these guidelines? https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/guides/linux-hardening.html Alternatively, packages for Fedora that would set this up automatically

How do you pay for groceries with Monero?

Download Google Maps Routes as .ics
Where I live, Google Maps is the only mapping option. Is there anyway to download the route as .ics to add to Proton Calendar?

I like the idea. I’m not sure of the risk, because if you lose, then I think you have to pay the other parties legal fees.

If you started a Kickstarter and got good lawyers on board, I’d be willing to contribute. I would need to see the lawyers are well qualified though and preferably only paid if they win.

Anti trust is probably the wrong word. This indicates actions to breakup monopolies.

You’d want an attorney practicing in consumer privacy or data privacy. I believe they already exist.

My experience is that the government typically handles these cases, but I’m very likely wrong.

Or she/he’s young and made a dumb decision.

Your post on the other hand shows that you are rash, judgemental and quickly offended. You are too emotional to rationally understand humans and their ability to make mistakes.

That’s meant as satire, but probably not a good idea to insult strangers we don’t know.

Your employer would find it

VPN for Work Profile
I'm trying to run my work profile over VPN. The best thing I've found so far is external GL.iNet router and put my phone on airplane mode. Are there any better solutions?

Alternative to Google Pay
I have to manage multiple bank cards, and if I lost them, I would have a major problem. I've been using Google Pay to pay via NFC. Are there any alternatives to Google Pay? I dislike the privacy aspect of it.