• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


Yeah no, it is not that deep. I just did not know if I could not sign it. Appears I have to.

First, I am not a male. Second, I do believe the US gov has my data. Every single piece that is floating out there. I will still not share it with them, may there be the odd chance they do not yet have it.

Oh absolutely, but they are asking me to agree with them handing it over to the US government.

Data accessibility in the US. I am sharing my data with the US government. I am just quite unsure of that.

Help wanted
I live in the EU and the company I work at has been bought out by an american company. They now want me to sign a document that lets them transfer my personal data from my employer to the USA. They want my Name, full address and birthday. It says that they need this for some "compliance regulation" which includes the prevention of terrorism (the ol' classic). I feel uncomfortable giving them "explicit permission" to share this data even if it is done under "highest possible security measures" which, if they are not possible, might as well be none. I just started my apprenticeship, so they could fire me without providing a reason if I do not sign. Any help is well appreciated.

If you can, always go for Linux. If you can’t, choose debloated Windows. Preferably one with telemetry disabled. Recommendations in other comments are quite valid.

Well, I still disable them. The theory behind them is, that they actually serve a purpose for the function of the site, whereas cookies in general can be used for a variety of actions. Like tracking. Realistically, the site will work just fine without.

I don’t know. I’m not gonna take a chance to believe somone just because his story is nicer to believe. He seems uninformed and said himself his points are “resonable” speculation. Which is not acceptable for me.

The car spying thing or Rossmann? Because the first is indeed a real issue.

Well, never downvoted my own comment before. Other points still stand. And yes, just to make sure, to anyone reading, do not just randomly start cutting wires.

Which would mean that, again, every time you enter a tunnel your car goes up in flames? I don’t know what you guys wanna tell me here but what you’re saying is bullshit.

If you can’t read your car’s repair manual, pay a mechanic to do it for you. I doubt they will say no. Almost every manufacturer has a rapair manual.

Most of the data collection does not happen from my phone bRoO. I use Graphene and if I don’t give my foss music app access to the internet, the app can collect as much data as it wants. Besides, what do I care if someone knows what music I listen to if in comparison the car manufacturer, who I likely gave my personal information to first hand, knows things far more private. I don’t have sex in my car, but if I did I would much rather have them know that I listen to “I’m a barbie girl” on repeat. And I doubt that cutting off connection will brick your car. If that was the case, my car would brick almost every time I enter a tunnel. The car does not check for connections like an effing website. If the comms were to be completely disabled or one would remove a fuse, sure. Your car might refuse to start, throw an error what have you. But if you simply remove the antenna, all bueno. Wanna know why they don’t refuse service without a connection? Because people would regularly die which makes this behaviour illegal :). And I do have to lecture you, as you seem to have a lot to learn and I don’t see a reason why anybody should put their pride first. I mean don’t even know anybody on here.

Oh and I did not say to randomly cut cables. I said to cut antennas. Do not under any circumstance cut a cable. It might be the windshield wipers or it might be a sensor for abs. You are absolutely correct that this is the worst idea one could have if they value their life. Well I mean no life means no privacy concerns.

Oh no tapes tablet to car. Anyways, why would you entire infotainment system not work? You would just have no internet connection. Radio doesn’t work, yes, however most sane humans stream music anyways which is possible via bluetooth or, in case the comms module would also disable bluetooth, cable. Your choice, private sex life or ✨features✨.

Possibly. But wire cutters exist. Installing custom firmware for a car seems unnecessarily dangerous. Just remove the fuse, cut a wire or go to a local shop and get the comms system disabled.

If you tell us where you live (roughly) maybe we can find an alternative that you could not find

Yes, I have also been able to observe increasing focus on Linux.

Feature parity
I am a little sick of the seemingly lost focus on existing products. As a developer myself, I understand that software development takes time and is resource-intensive, especially if what you are working on is unique and has never been done before. However, the focus of your available resources seems to not be set right, in my opinion. As a result, I will list a few things that I absolutely cannot stand about the way that Proton creates products in the hopes that I, along with many others, can show the weight of this reoccurring issue. Starting with Linux systems. Yes, I am aware that the smallest group of customers uses a Linux desktop. This is not an excuse to have basically no decent Software support for it. The only clients even usable currently on Linux are the web clients (duh), the bridge, and a very unstable version of Proton VPN, along with its future self, the alpha or beta release. Now, I have to say here that Proton does seem to shift more focus over to Linux, which is quite nice to see. The VPN client **alpha** is among the best working, far better than IVPN or Mullvad, with an obvious lack of features. As a whole, I don't think that this is the biggest issue anyway. People using Linux are usually quite advanced users and are capable of using a WireGuard config file, which is often the better choice anyway. In my eyes, the largest issue, which I have noticed just by reading posts a couple of years old, is that some features are planned on a platform (for parity or accessibility) and will then be followed up with mostly nothing. To me as a customer, this seems like bad management. Features in the iOS app should not take two years to be implemented in the Android client, and vice versa. You release more products and then largely ignore pressing issues. The reason I choose Proton services is not because I want a new Password manager that is replaceable by three other technically equally good or better alternatives that have zero issues, but because I want to replace services that have no good privacy-oriented alternative. Like the email service you guys got famous for in the privacy community. If improvement of the portfolio is so important, maybe instead of pumping out products, the mobile apps should be at least accessible for the rather large number of users that do not have access to Google services out of their own choice (of which I am not one). Maybe two mobile clients should not get the same feature in the span of a few years. This example is not an issue of lacking resources. You have a rather large team working on different projects for the same platform. On Android, implementing push notification support without Google's APIs should be rather straight-forward, especially since you have already done so in the VPN application. Yet, for several years now, there has been no update for it. This simple change would make the mail client viable for the f-droid repo. There are open-source projects that are maintained by hundreds of people at a time. You should shift your focus, and I believe you would likely succeed in creating actual finished products by focusing on one product at a time. All of this being said, I still want to thank you. The reason for all this inconsistency across products and platforms is likely due to the high complexity of said products; I am aware of that. There is simply no other company that does it quite like you guys do. All I know is that despite the issues I face every day, I gladly try to use your products when they do work. I would not want it any other way. Your services are hard to use (not from a UI/UX point of view), and I hope you can work on this incredible base you guys have built. The few issues I have listed here are not the only ones on my list, but they aren't new to you guys either, so I will shorten the text wall.