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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Fucking hell its exhausting trying to keep one step ahead of having this AI bullshit shoved into every service I use.

I’m not against AI. I’m just against it being embedded in literally everything. I

If I want to “consult” an AI to have it look at my code for syntax errors or something like that, I’ll go to its website and use it from there, accepting that yes… That particular bit of code or text is going to be scraped.

But the step from there to "always be reading everything I do is fucking massive.

As a freelance writer, I write an article for a respected tech website. That article gets views, which in part determines if I get any sort of a performance bonus.

Along comes an AI that scrapes my content, so that when someone asks it a question about how to do “x” on Mac, it spits out an answer based on what it learned from MY article, sometimes regurgitating it word for word, and in doing so deprives me and my publisher of a much need page view.

It affects their revenue, since it affects ad views. It affects my performance bonus.

This isn’t about big tech being “bad”. It’s about writers and other artists not being credited or paid for their work.

I liked Brave for a while. But slowly things just started to feel sketchy to me. Their weird insistence on putting their crypto bullshit and wallet services in your face. I just felt like, “I want a browser. Can’t you just be a fucking browser?” At a certain point adding all these other ‘services’ they just end up just a weird-ass money making scheme, like they’re two steps away from using my computer for crypto mining.