The uploading functionality—either a file or multiple files—is broken. It’s stuck on “Waiting to upload” forever. And files are not guaranteed to be uploaded.

Seriously, don’t people at Proton do testing the Android app? I have to switch to use Firefox for using the web app. It’s inconvenient, but that’s the only way that uploading to Proton Drive in mobile works.

What’s the best way to quickly raise this issue to Proton: Proton Support or Customer Feedback?

Did you try reinstalling? There were not much reported issues of this kind AFAIK, but you could always contact support here for specific issues: (same as you posted).

It happened to me some times, but then it went back to normal.


Well, I uninstalled the app and installed it again. Now the upload does work properly.

Thank you for the “black magic”.

Edited: Well, I tried to upload some more images—more than 100 images. And it didn’t work again! Same annoying problem!

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