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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


The worst part is that it doesn’t just affect you, it’ll make it much easier to profile new users going forward so future generations will be screwed over even more. Imagine your insurance prices or phone bill being calculated by your max tolerance you would pay before searching for a different provider

I really miss the fake credit card number paypal used to have for sites that didn’t take paypal

yeah I feel hobbies are really important and boredom is important for your hobbies, thats one reason I had uninstalled reddit in the past because I felt it was just too easy to open up reddit and not touch my hobbies in my free time. Also my younger cousin was once telling me about some kid and how he was an ipad kid, and I asked what that meant and he explained it about how it was a kid who the parents gave them an ipad when they were little to keep them calm. it was kind of funny the first time he told me but now that I notice it it feels pretty sad when I see it

the first time I saw someone watching youtube videos on like double speed was eye opening haha

I mean their parents have probably been tracking them since they were kids so they just grew up thinking it’s normal, I also recently learned kids in school feel awkward if they aren’t walking to class while on their phone because then they feel like people will think they aren’t cool enough to have people to talk to at all times

I’d just sms until you get to know someone better and can lightly convince them to use something like signal or they convince you to use whatever. You still need to live your life