beep boop

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I mean if you install apps from commercial stores then this is the norm. If its not explicitly proven to be tracking and analytics free, then its usually not.

a lot of the best life experiences/accomplishments you can have require taking a leap at some point.

For sure, im not even a parent yet but this stuff is so complicated to deal with

The parents are already “burned” and wont change from some info campaign. The abuse starts before school or even kindergarden age so there is no chance to educate the victims.

This is really important imo. Kids grow up predisposed to stupid oversharing of their private life. It cripples their ability to experiment and make mistakes if they have to fear being exposed to a giant audience.

well your activity can still be tracked and eventually associated to your other internet activities.

  • your online times can be correlated with your other accounts and software you use on the same device
  • browsing behavioral patterns
  • a combination of tracking mouse movement, clicking and typing can be used to create a very unique fingerprint
  • VPN’s are not really “anonymous”. you just trust some random company to not sell you out

but realistically nobody has any interest in what random facebook groups you join as long as its nothing legally complicated. so the questions is do you want to prevent your friends and family from seeing what you are doing, or do you want to do stuff that could get you in jail? if its the former then a separate account is sufficient. if its the latter then you should do a lot of reading.