I do like some intellectual stimulation and will hold contrarian views just to test the waters of my own understanding or to test yours. I don’t always believe the things I say online. I want you, AND me to understand the world around us better.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


Not that I’m aware of. If they have a stake in it, it’s not listed anywhere publicly.

SimpleLogin is theirs.

SimpleLogin is the product of Proton AG, registered in Switzerland under number CHE-354.686.492.

I mean, they make it sound like they’re going to suggest 5 DIFFERENT services and they just go… “Proton, proton, proton, proton, proton”.

So yeah. Thinly. Like, skin of your teeth thin.

Why would it matter if it was an official or unofficial account? This whole subforum is literally an advertisement. Look at the mod list. “ProtonPrivacy” right there…

And the title of the post is “5 skiff alternatives” where they go…“us, us, us, us again, and oh there’s this other guy”

Because they’re using a free platform (Lemmy) to post an advertisement…

Without paying advertisement money? – That’s just the first one.

Second one is all advertisements posted in communities that are meant for organic discussion is jarring and serves to attempt to brand-brainwash anyone who runs across it?

Corporations need to stay out of sites like this and let people talk amongst themselves and make suggestions - basically by posting it here, they’re operating an SEO scheme and using everyone here as their pawn.

You’ve been inundated with this shit for so long, you’re now not only blind to it, but making excuses for its existence.

I’ve always hated this argument: “Everyone else is a piece of trash too, so we should accept the current state of everyone acting like garbage because they want to make money!”

At best, a thinly veiled advertisement…

I honestly want something like the Mooltipass https://www.themooltipass.com/ - but without all the card-reader bullshit. Something that has a 6-digit easy to enter pin-code, which unlocks the 2-factor, and does the yubikey style authentication thing. But doesn’t cost fucking $100 for each key…