Rust dev, I enjoy reading and playing games, I also usually like to spend time with friends.

You can reach me on mastodon or telegram @sukhmel@tg

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


The problem with those detectors is that they are barely better than guessing.

You’re most likely capable of outperforming such a detector by spotting semantic issues. Like when I tried to find how to configure saddle stool and the article said that my outstretched legs should reach pedals.

That may also be due to poor and cheap manual writing but you’ll not lose a lot by blocking those, I guess.

Don’t just give away secrets in the open like that 🤫

There are some extensions that are only available for Chrome, but beside that this compatibility issue mostly happens with government sites and stuff like that. Since in their case it’s you who want something from them and not the other way around, they’re free to only check compatibility with something and say that anything else might not work.

Most of the time I stumbled upon such sites requiring IE, but that era seems to be over by now, fortunately.