Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman!

  • 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


yeah i think this might be the reason, but i don’t know how to avoid this since it’s an issue from their side

Does Proton block suspicious emails without making it reach the inbox?
I know there is a section for potential spam mails. But I wonder whether Proton block some of them so that they won't even reach that section. I am using it as my primary email right now and recently a recruiter tried sending me an email for tech discussion but it never reached my inbox. They were sure it was sent, and I later received it on my alternate email (gmail). Is there any possibility that this could have happened for other reasons?

idk why they shoved it right in the start, i mean i just want to check my mails man, if i want to check out proton drive or other stuff i will access them from the side bar or menu. kinda annoying move.