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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Not a huge fan of this. I distinctly do not want:

  • To be tied to Proton if they really fuck up. I use my own domains that are portable. I use Proton Pass aliases for throw away accounts I could go without.
  • To not be able to secure my accounts with separate emails/usernames and long distinct passwords (or better yet passkeys) for each service. I don’t use Proton Pass for password management.
  • To provide data points linking my online activities by not using separate emails/usernames.

Official API client used by proton: https://github.com/ProtonMail/go-proton-api

I didn’t see any good documentation. Its in use by (or has at least inspired) https://github.com/henrybear327/Proton-API-Bridge?tab=readme-ov-file

The API bridge backs rclone’s Proton Drive support.

If there isn’t a built-in option, it will probably be DE / WM specific. Something like this might work for x11. Wayland will require something different. Sway/i3/Hyprland/Gnome/KDE/etc may all have a native way depending on what you use also.

/usr/bin/firefox &
/usr/bin/wmctrl -r firefox -b add,hidden```

Doesn’t have to be plain text. I’m not using Standard Notes as my media storage solution or anything, but I keep a section for house repair stuff. I bundle repair photos, receipts, PDF manuals, etc into my notebook.

Doing a tare down of my leaking dishwasher? I document the shit out of that.

You can use rclone to mount: https://rclone.org/protondrive/

Its bi-sync is a little janky for replication. I use B2 Backblaze for my storage that hides instead of deletes by default. I’ve “hidden” everything before on accident.

I prefer to unidirectional sync, similar to git, but avoiding merges. My local files are in a crypt “remote” so I have to mount. I wrote a simple script to pull, mount, unmount, push to simplify things.

A lot of those verify your number systems detect and block VoIP numbers.


I’ve been using Jmp. You don’t get a sim though (at least for calls and text, you can for data). It goes through Jabber. Their app can integrate with the dialer for calls. Never gave any personal info. Only paid with BTC / XMR.

SMS is not private. JMP is upfront about it: https://jmp.chat/privacy. Still didn’t have to give any personal info so better than the alternative for a basic privacy enhancement threat model.

On a grandfathered visionary 2 year payment plan with a year remaining, so no change plans yet, but I’m keeping a list of annoyances and concerns for renewal considerations.


  • Really want snooze/delayed email reminders for specific emails. What Mailbox from Dropbox? used to have, and Inbox had before it was merged with Gmail.
  • Annoyed I can’t delete pre-proton pass aliases
  • No android (bidirectional) contact syncing. Been using EteSync.
  • Have multiple family members on the plan


  • Use daily. I had issues with the number of clicks it took when adding emailed invites that didn’t get picked up automatically. Have not noticed in awhile if this is still an issue but I also don’t get as many invites.


  • I use BitWarden
  • Been using Proton Pass aliases, but I’m on the fence due to it creating a vendor lock-in situation


  • Use ProtonVPN for port forwarding situations.
  • Use Mullvad otherwise as my daily driver.


  • Proton - I use if I need to share a file with someone else in a pinch
  • rclone/b2 - Main off-site backup solution with my own encryption keys. RoundSync for android to backup my phone to b2.

I tried rclone proton support the week it was merged. Worked okay. I tried syncing some ISO backups though and it just sat forever. Didn’t troubleshoot and just kept using b2.

You can open a ticket on GitHub. Its essentially supported by one guy who reverse engineered their internal API. This is their reverse engineered API library that rclone depends on:


On a related note, proton is adding photos support. Maybe they changed something with their API for photos since the author reverse engineered it due to this.

You have been invited to the beta trial of Proton Drive’s Photo Backup

Dear Proton Community member,

As a core supporter of Proton’s mission, we are excited to invite you to participate in the early access beta of Proton Drive’s new automatic photo backup feature. This feature gives you a secure and convenient way to store, access, and share your best moments right from your mobile device.

As early supporters of Proton, you’re invited to be among the first to test this feature. To join our exclusive early beta, we’ll need your Google ID. Rest assured, your Google ID will only be used for the purpose of this beta test and will remain secure with us.

Ubuntu network manager plugin they want you to use doesn’t work last I tried. I did get port forwarding working though following some instructions for wireguard on an issue in that repo.