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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


With a picture of your passport and buthole in two copies.

What sort of degeneracy are we living in where it is acceptable to have cameras within residential premises that are being rented out…

Workers rights in the US much like consumer rights aren’t that great compared to other nations.

Common denominator is the wage slave. Owner class has essentially blank check from Daddy Sam to fuck us.

Withhold labour and vote with your money are the only effective tools left in plebs’ arsenal.

Didn’t realize that was possible now you ate running on google controlled device…

I cant swallow that.

Hate paying them too tho

Yep. And YouTube on teevee, just got to pay for it. I can’t suffer these ads.

No real replacement as of now for either.

Imagine paying and they are still mining you.

Wtf sort of dystopian bullshit time line is this.

Stop using them for everything else.

Not even true anymore…

But if SEO trash is good enough for you, that is a nice cope

If you dont control your OS, then someone else does…

We know they will take everything they can and we really [dont] know that well what they do with it.

I switched from windows 11 after catching them resetting my privacy settings and installing tiktpk and Facebook icons with updates.

Wtf sort of software is that lol

Paid a bunch of money for hardware then I get treated like some sort of child by my OS?

No thank satya microshit… Eat a bag of dicks.

Got to vote with your feet and wallet, that’s only thing you can do under the current regime.