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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 26, 2023


If your modification makes it unroadworthy, you might not be allowed to drive it on public roads

If your modification changes its structure you may need certification that it is still roadworthy

I’m not seeing a case where you’re restricted by law from modifying the car

Software has special legal protections. You can stop it working with impunity, you can break it with impunity, you cannot legally defeat security on the software. Corey Doctorow calls the software protections “felony contempt of business model”

Tesla allow you to opt out of all connectivity

It means you would have no maps, no driver assist, no Internet radio

Anyway if you buy a car it is yours. The worst you can do is break the contact for whatever services are provided by the connectivity. You are allowed to modify a car however you like

Tesla don’t support CD. You’d need to rip those to mp3 and keep them on your phone to play over Bluetooth

Can’t you set their phones to not change MAC address on the home wifi? I know it’s a setting on Android (I have it turned off at home for myself)