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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I don’t know what you mean by “which definition” as though there’s a few for me to select from…? I’m just saying that the term seems self-explanatory to me, and I’m not exactly sure how to describe it better than that.

They think they are literally performing “spiritual warfare,” and that their words have power to destroy (yes, real and literal) demonic forces that are usually the cause of issues in your life. Usually mental health issues, shockingly. They take this VERY seriously as this is a matter of eternity in their addled minds.

It seems as though they believe that the more angry and fervent they are with that “spiritual warfare,” the better it works?

Violent prayer. I never heard of it before, but I looked it up.

That’s weird… I’ve never heard the term, but I grew up in an Evangelical Christian household, and I knew exactly what they were referring to as soon as I read it.

It’s the cost of doing business for these corporations. Make billions, pay a 6-figure fine, maybe.

Firefox has an experimental feature to block your fingerprint. A few things I’ve seen make me think it works (Google thought I was running Windows NT not Linux, among other things):

Not to spam the thread with this link:


Dunno about legality, but most likely against TOS

Firefox has a newer feature to apparently block your browser fingerprinting. Go to about:config and search “fingerprint”.
