Father of two, husband, gamer, lover of free software, and willing teacher.

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Joined 8M ago
Cake day: Jan 04, 2024


And who is going to verify they deleted it and how are they deleting it?

Is it about time we get analysts that monitor these companies from the inside?

Why? It’s not illegal, people don’t care, they’ve decimated privacy to the point no one cares, so they’re doing nothing wrong as Lon as they can justify all his horrendous shit to themselves.

It’s not spying when you directly give them access to monitor your communications. Says section 632 subsection VIIXVVIIX Subsubsection D in the 69 fine print 42. Isn’t everyone a lawyer with hundreds of hours to spend reading Eula’s?

Also fuck this noise. It’s made legal because people click agree to 10000000 pages of contract.

The internet is going just fine ... Very happy to have Proton folks in my life. Been a long time payer and I plan on being here for years to come as long as they are.