Hi guy

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Standard tracking protection and total cookie protection are the default settings. I believe it includes a very minor use of fingerprint tracking protection, but not the resist fingerprint settings.

Privacy.fingerprintProtection (default)



Resist is the more thorough settings

They do.

Canvas blocker is one.

If you use firefox (desktop), you dont need a plugin. Go to about:config find privacy.resistFingerprinting

Double click and flip from false to true.


Go to browserleaks.com/canvas and check your fingerprint.

On android, firefox doesnt have the same option. But, you can use a browser like Mull (a firefox fork) which has all rhe same options as desktop, with the privacy settings of tor browser enabled by default - no fingerprints. (They’ll be fake and new every time)

Try using a different browser. Try canvas blocker/fingerprint blocker plugins. Try deleting history, cache, cookies,and site settings. Try ublock origin to block 3rd party scripts and frames.

I’m probably 89% of the 42%.

I enjoy refreshing the page to see my browser fingerpriny say %100 unique.

Every time.

If you don’t use “resist fingerprints” in firefox, or don’t use firefox, use a canvas blocker plugin.

And turn off webrtc, webgl2; use ublock origin plugin, block 3rd party cookies, and clear your damn cache and history.