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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


It sounds like what you want is to either get a modem (either rented through the ISP or bought 3rd party, if your ISP supports it) and then ensure that this modem is in bridge mode without any sort of router features. That said, most places will just give you a dumb modem if you have no intention of using their router.

Then the other gear would be a router with the feature set you want. I personally am quite fond of my Mikrotik hap ac2 but the ac3 looks good too. I don’t use the Mikrotik for the wifi either (I use unifi for that), but it’s decent enough for a small space in a pinch.

Basically you would need to find out from your ISP if they allow you to bring your own gear – modem and/or router, with the router being the more important of the two and get their help to either swap your existing device into a bridge or getting you something that can.

Going to play Devil’s advocate here, but open source does not automatically mean that things are safe or that anyone is even auditing the code on anything that resembles a regular basis.

Heartbleed was introduced into OpenSSL source code in 2012 and wasn’t discovered and fixed until 2014

There is zero support for drive under Linux which is the major reason I haven’t migrated my workspace org yet. I’d like to ditch Google, but I automate backups with rclone to gdrive and that workflow can’t currently be replicated under proton