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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


A lot of healthcare facilities are running EOL operating systems like Windows XP or Windows 7 because the programs they use for billing or other reasons are stuck on that version. You would be shocked at how prominent this is across most “modern” infrastructure. The resistance to change stems from a “if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it” mentality. Pagers are still the most reliable ways to reach a doctor, which is why they’re still used, not because they’re necessarily the most secure.

As easy as it is to point blame at “duh boomers” the situation with healthcare in particular is much more nuanced. Though I do agree that any luddites in charge of major hospitals are not helping the situation at all.

Sweet, still waiting for a Linux client for Proton Drive

Multiple employees testified that Musk gave directives that were at odds with the company’s normal processes and policies. In December 2022, Musk directed that company servers be moved from one data center to another. Company policy was to wipe data before removing servers from a center, but the relocated servers were transferred without being wiped because employees did not have “enough time to put together a process that would be in compliance with [their] own policies,” according to the testimony.

Why do people trust this guy again?

Google is apparently going full scorched-earth policy by banning the ip addresses of proxy servers. Other frontends are experiencing this issue too, though I will say I used Piped today successfully at 1080p on the official instance so maybe it’s working again?

I keep that one in my iCloud keychain just out of convenience

I’m currently enjoying ProtonPass’ built-in 2FA. You gotta be on a paid plan, however, but it’s worth it imo.