jlow (he/him)
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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 13, 2023



If only there was a FOSS OS they could use … O wait.

(And with the money the EU has (and would save from not paying MS) they could make it function whatever way they wanted. Build their own cloud infrastructure. Fully encrypted. But no. That would be cool and we can not have that!)

I’m probably not a regular user but my first pet’s name, the city I was born in, my first school and my childhood nicknames are also very long strings of characters 👌

There are countries woth easy tax systems?! Where?

I’d actually have less qualms with that then sending a porn site my face. It’s amazing that they think this will go down well.

To quote the Simpsons: “0% is a percentage as well!” And that will be more than enough for politicians who know nothing about the topic and are blinded by the hot tech-buzzword of the minute (especially if it turns out they or some of their friends can make a shitload of money with it. I love capitalism and democracy.)

Or Fitotrack, which has an even nicer dashboard (with horrible colors, unfortunately) to screenshot and send to friends to brag (not that I’d ever do that __)

Yeah, true. But maybe the perfect time to try the new translation feature in Firefox? __

Wow, never heard of anything like it though it feels plausible that your ISP would be able to do this. I’m not an expert on this in any way though, just a self-taught, self-hoster. My first thought was getting yourself another router as well, though I’m not 100% sure if this would work. I dimly remember that I had to change my ISP’s router to “modem-mode” or something when I did this years back. And if your ISP doesn’t allows this …