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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


There definately is something. They have a ton of products. I’d have to look through my list as well. The CSS runs switchos lite, but honestly its fine. I can do CLI configs (brocade, cisco, cisco smb etc) but its whatever.

At my parents house i have been using a Mikrotik RB260GSP since about 2016 on their net. It also runs swos and im not doing anything crazy on it (in fact i never bothered with VLAN’s there though i probably should setup a guest vlan. But its been fine for years now.

if the firewall can be updated regularly then sure.

Mikrotik makes perfectly acceptable switches at a reasonable price with a variety of features, vlan compat is pretty common. A MikroTik CSS610-8P-2S+in will give you 2 10 Gb sfp , 8 x 1Gbe with PoE+ and vlans for under 300 bucks.

You can buy a MacBook and have it preregistered with your apple business account. From there the first run will auto add it to jamf and apply policies.


Be careful with some domains (like gTLDs such as .email). Tons of services and forms don’t see it as a legitimate address and only want .com, .us etc.

I was chatting about it yesterday here in this thread


  • I use the 10/month plan with a $5.0 soft limit and a $10 hard limit, though I have yet to exceed my plan quota at all.

  • I have used it since hearing about it on HN a couple months ago during one of the DDG controversies.

  • Its completely replaced my search engine. I use it on my work machines, personal machines and phone for all searching.

  • Most searches are probably work related ie: Systems Admin, “Devops” (depending on your definition of the term), Security etc etc but also random thoughts. Heck today i was searching for flounder lights on it.

  • I generally find I have to refine searches less often, and rarely do I need to use bangs to pipe a search to DDG. I have had co-workers mention in recent months that they are always amazed that I will find very relevant sources fairly quickly, often ones that they cant get a front page hit on even when looking for it because i mentioned it. Though that may speak more to how I structure searches already since Kagi is fairly new to me.

  • I use the filters/lenses quite often. The recipes one is awesome for a lot of the cooking/smoking I do. Programming is solid too.

  • I would NOT reccomend this for general use yet unless it has a specific value add, such as with me and work. For example my wife still uses DDG (because i put her on it) and probably google on work devices or something. Its fine for her and thus for me. I would only reccomend it if you happen to work in a specific field that has a TON of crap sourcing/junk articles that are SEO gamed (ie: Tech) or you specifically align with the privacy ideology.

  • the account thing is only for stripe for billing for now, they go have a greyed out and unchecked box enable query history. I have seen it mentioned you can use a totally fake email to sign up (since it doesnt necessarily require verification) though the owner has recommended against it for obvious reasons. Adding crypto options brings baggage, I think he just tied it to stripe to the ease of billing/use.

yeah. I think that’s a good idea. Personally I just keep them in a simple safe that is effective, preferably fire rated to an extent or just somewhere offsite. Even a safety deposit box is a great option.

I even sometimes just keep them in an encrypted fileshare on my synology NAS that is backed up and encrypted. But thats just extra for a non-tech person. For someone like my parents etc I just tell them to print them and keep them in safe space you wont misplace them. Because ideally the phone and your backup phone or a yubikey should have the main versions of MFA authentication.

Usually the recovery codes are 6-8 numbers that are a one time use thing.

Otherwise, i literally dont know many of my passwords off hand. The only ones I do are FDE decryption codes, and maybe my computer login.

Keep backups of all things in a manual fashion.

Bitwarden is fine. BUt have a couple MFA options, including a set of printed recovery codes in a desk/safe etc.

Personally I use Google Authenticator TOTP (and not the version that syncs it to the cloud.). Instead I have a backup phone I keep in a fireproof safe and that also has a set of the codes. (Just do the “transfer” operation but at the end choose not to delete the codes from the original phone and boom you have TOTP on 2 devices.

I also use a Yubikey here and there, but only when I am physically a home (Its a PITA to move around).

Finally I have recovery/One time codes saved and printed. Just in case all else fails.

For any services that REQUIRE you to use SMS mfa, I go with something like google voice. If they block GV numbers, then i generally bail out of using the service…This especially includes banks.

The goal is

  1. No one MFA loss (Ie: phone stolen) will lose access to all accounts.
  2. An ability to recover even if all phones are lost.
  3. No storing totp for anything important inside bitwarden.

I think the only place I had that was at a hospital that clearly had a snort tap running. And yeah the openvpn 1024 psk handshake in order to negotiate a TLS session is a dead giveaway.

Tbh I moved my VPS vpn to port 443 because some public networks (ie; public wifi) will block the default ports (ie 1194 for openvpn).