Software developer by day, insomniac by night.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


This echoes my thoughts. I really suck at writing emails in my native tongue, and having something I can prompt to write an email for me would be useful. I don’t want it to be trained on my emails to replicate my style or whatever, I’d just want an LLM on the side that I can prompt to write for me. I’ve done that with other LLMs in the past without having to integrate it anywhere.

I don’t particularly care for facial recognition. I don’t take photos of people.

I think when you link images off-site on Reddit, Reddit still caches a preview for it and serves that to the user, the user will actually have to click a link to go off the platform into the unknown. If we do embeds and such here they’re loaded from off site directly without user interaction.

Ergo your browser makes a request to a random potentially dangerous server, and there isn’t much the average user can do to prevent that.