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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


Wait, you mean goons that had no problem literally putting children in cages are fuckheads? No way!

Cry more, snowflake. People not wanting to put up with cryptofascist bullshit isn’t censorship, it’s karma bitch.

How does Tor browser spy? Doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose?

I’m using something other than Windows. 🤷

Remove the ! to make links, ! is only for images.

Unless you’re wanting to use Plex with it.

You can live without them.

It’s pretty much too late. You can try doing it manually but reddit will not show you all your posts and comments even after you appear to have reached the “end”… there will still be quite a few that just don’t show up in your overview at all.

It’s so badly designed it isn’t even funny.