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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 11, 2023


I mean, just carrying a cellphone with mobile reception is almost like a 24/7 GPS tracker although obv no parent is generally going to be able to (not should they be able to) like warrant or subpoena that shit from the network carriers/towers

Samesies! Just wish there was a quicker toggle than Settings > Privacy > Location etc

Hey, thats not very nice to AIDS, at least AIDS might be cureable someday and isn’t—I dunno, like—BusinessInsider.

If you actually need to, u can “share” as like a thing to attach your actual GPS location in Signal, no different from sharing a pic or file or dictation

…expensive shit…eating junk food…fast food…frozen pizza…

You’re hitting dangerously close to home here, lol

That sounds far more (and acceptably so in my view) stochastic tho, like, do they have on-demand “lets see where lol is right now even though I have zero need to know currently” or is it just like u verbally check-in when they Signal u?

I go even further and say “if you want the real and sick blue bubbles, get Signal”.

Otherwise, enjoy getting spied on and having all your data handed over from Apple and also iMessage is dogshit. Half the time it doesnt even get delivered/received and you have to literally call or message the person through some real stable means of communication to troubleshoot

Imma not even get started on iMessage --> skeleton key/zero-day purpose (this is conjecture but I vehemently reject any argument to the contrary)

Not gonna lie, I do this for podcasts more to save data and I def am not allergic to silence, per se but I definitely dislike having pure quiet around me.

That cant be real—holy shit. Thats worse than picking on kids that dont have an iPhone™️ or any phone or don’t have “the blue bubbles” from using iMessage (which nobody should ever use honestly)

So fly-on-the-wall refers to someone in the room who silently observes what is happening and said between whoever else is in the room—usually covertly so they are hidden and unnoticed.

So when I expressed the humorous wish to be there to watch your convo with the parents, I’m ironically ignoring the fact this entire thread is about spying and intrusive/unwanted surveillance.

Hope that helps!

Lotta messed up famillies and its easier than ever to find online info on how to deal with narcissistic/dysfunctional family dynamics and get away from it.

Media literacy classes should be compulsory and deal with all this crap. Its pretty irresponsible as a society that we leave so much to people to figure it all out or be so vulnerable to exploitation and scams. So damn preventable and beneficial when people can help self-curate out the bullshit but echo chambers are also always gonna echo chamber, so there’s that too

I honestly feel like so much of the anxiety comes down to lack of stable and sufficient income + meaninful employment and also (maybe more so) bad living situations. Housing is wielded as an incredibly potent weapon against young people often by narcissistic and dysfunctional family(s) and its scary as fuck to face the spectre of homelessness or the prospect of having to adjust to the torrent of change it would entail. They shouldn’t have to worry about idiot monster parents and constantly having to deal with their housing being on the table/chopping block any time they disagree or set a boundary.

There’s a Soviet Russia joke in here somewhere, I just can’t find it yet

Better commas than paragraphs lol. I despise walls of text. This just makes me tired and runon sentence

I would definitely be screwed. I don’t even know how I could get back in if I ever lost all my devices and didn’t have my password manager. Chilling indeed

I recommend KeePass and I encourage everyone to consider it given its platform-agnostic portable format. What happened to Raivo cannot happen to KeePass and its more of a universal solution as opposed to 1) Android: Aegis 2) iOS: Tofu or OTP etc.

All of those are very good apps but the problem remains that they all have their own peculiar/specific format that doesn’t necessarily play nice with any other app. KeePass is a convention/format that doesn’t really vary between implementations.

Edit: It also allows for choice in whether to keep it local or to safey sync in your choice of cloud service without exposing the contents unencrypted. If you don’t want to manage any of that, I would recommend Bitwarden and paying the $10 once and see if you’re still fine the next year without having to resubscribe if thats a problem for you.