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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


Q: Why do I have to enable Google Password Manager as an additional provider in order to make it work on Android?

All internet connections into and out of your Linux device will now be blocked unless a VPN connection to a Proton VPN server is active.

If I understand correctly, before version 4.2.0 (that includes the Advanced setting), the kill switch wasn’t active until you opened the ProtonVPN program. So if you restarted you PC, it was connecting to the internet without going through the VPN tunnel, so your traffic was somewhat exposed.

Now, with the new permanent kill switch, there’s no internet access without running ProtonVPN.

Additionally, if you share your account with other people and haven’t enabled two-factor authentication, you may not want to join the Sentinel program, as it will increase your chance of being challenged during logins.

I wonder, so why not just force Sentinel program users to enable 2FA?

If an app on one device connects to an app on another via Veilid, it shouldn’t be possible for either client to know the other’s IP address or location from that connectivity, which is good for privacy, for instance. The app makers can’t get that info, either.

Is that considered a new thing? I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a P2P service/protocol that also masks IP addresses.

I understand what you said. I’m saying that most of the time, what happens is actually the opposite of what you said.

and it keeps on asking me to update proton mail to 3.0.16, and this version is not on the play store.

Version 3.0.16 has been on the Play Store for quite some time, I’ve got it updated through Aurora Store. Since July 25th to be precise. So it took them about 17 days to publish it to GitHub, after pushing it to Play Store.

The Play Store doesn’t always push an update at the same time to all users. So instead, they have a Staged Rollout. Here’s an example from this article, it’s not related specifically to Proton.

I think they’re pushing the update to the Play Store before they publish it to GitHub.

That’s so annoying, as an F-Droid user, to almost always be one version behind. It also might have security implications that I’m not aware of.