Music (mainly prog rock) and veggie loving, geeky cat butler living in Hertfordshire UK. A lover of all things LOTR (since I first read it over 50 years ago) scifi and what have you. Ex soldier (Royal Artillery) and other trades ;-)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Wait until she’s old enough to decide for herself. I would be really jacked off to find my parents had put my life online from the minute I was born.

And Google of all the ones she could have chosen? Your wife needs to have a good talk with herself.

Never had any luck with WIne - don’t bother now. Am lucky(?) enough to only have to use Windows at work. Although my browsing habits may change slightly when we upgrade :-)

Been using it on all 3 of my machines for the last few months. I used to always end up back on Mint but about a year ago that started crapping out on things. MX just works for me. One thing about all distros (that I’ve tried anyway) lately, is that they don’t see the wifi card in my small Beelink PC. So it’s plugged in. Windows did see it, but I wiped that and installed Linux not long after I bought it. Had a couple of issues with KDE and it wouldn’t wake from sleep so back to XFCE. Not too heavily customised but it seems to be a keeper for my main machine - the Beelink. I have a Lenovo Ideapad that currently has Manjaro on - might try vanilla Debian on that. The other machine is an ancient HP laptop - MX XFCE will be staying on that until it craps out for good.

Well, what is your favourite then?

Hopefully they install Signal instead of just texting via SMS

Good luck with that. I got one person to move to Signal.

My work team uses WhatsApp for group messages re shifts etc. SMS just doesn’t cut it for that, so I have to use WA.

Also, we have a family group on there.

Could be worse, the part time job I did recently used Teams 😒